My daughter has the right to see your vagi*a so undress now!

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It happened on the beach. I live pretty close to the beach so I went there really often, almost every weekend or every time I have enough time to go. I still do it often

I was 15 at the time and went with a really close friend of mine. It was a hot day and we chilled.

Suddenly a little girl came to us, around 4 and let me tell you she was adorable! She played with us a bit, and made us a sand cake, you know she was really good at baking. 10/10 would recommend xD

Her mother was just a few meters away from us. She had a kindle tablet thing, or at least I think so and she read something on it. Everything went fine until the girl went back to her mom.

It was still really hot and my friend decided to go and bring us ice cream while I stayed where I was to keep an eye on our stuff. Suddenly not only the little girl, her mother came to me too and the girl asked me if I had a vagi*a. I said 'yes of course, all girls do' and just laughed it off, you know how children are haha

The mother, or EM stared at me and I really felt uncomfortable. It was extremely weird. She was also dressed like it was cold. She wore black pants, a top and a jacket while it was too hot for me in a swimsuit

She sat down on her knees to face me better and started talking. The conversation was something like this:

EM: I really appreciate how you played with my daughter. You two were really adorable.

Me: Please don't thank me, I liked doing that, your daughter is a beautiful human being

EM: lately she started to discover new things. Imagine, she is really fascinated by private parts

Me: Oh dear haha children

EM: She doesn't believe me that boys and girls have different parts haha oh well

At this point I kind of noticed this conversation would lead to something strange. I was still polite though.

EM: What about you show her your vagi*a?

I thought I wasn't hearing clearly

Me: excuse me?

EM: Show her your vagi*a. Just turn off your swimsuit and spread your legs a bit

I was really shocked and this woman was dead serious. I still tried to calm down and stay polite

Me: I'm sorry, I won't do such a thing

EM: well, that's rude of you. How can you decline something like this

Me: I just don't want to do that, please respect that

EM: No reason to be pissed! I was just asking ugh

Me: And I just gave you the answer and it's No

EM: I won't take it as an answer. Don't tell me you can't just undress yourself and show something so natural

Me: I don't feel comfortable doing so and you should respect that

EM: Don't tell me what to do! Undress now I'm getting impatient

At this point I was sick of this shit and tried to ignore her. At this point my friend also came back and apologized because it took her so long. I was glad not to be alone anymore. For a while it was silent. Then the little girl tried to crawl between my legs and as shocked as I was I screamed and she ran away.

The mom was not too happy about me screaming so she literally ran to me and without hesitation she started yelling at me as if I just tried to kill her.

EM: How dare you disrespect my little girl like that you are disgusting

Me: Sorry but I was surprised

EM: that doesn't give you the right to scream at my baby Also you still haven't done what I told you to

Me: and I won't. Leave me alone now

EM: undress yourself now

Me: No.

EM: I told you to do it so you will do it! Aren't you ashamed how you are disrespecting adults?

My friend: She is only 15, you know that's abuse right?

EM: She looks older than 15 so she might not have a problem just undressing herself.

Alright. We didn't wait and packed our things. The EM said something to us but we didn't listen and just hurried to get everything in our bag and leave. We did it within 5 minutes and ran as fast as you can run barefoot in sand. We were about to leave the beach by going upstairs. Since it was hot and walking through the sand is hard we had a little break and sat in the shadow. After a minute we went upstairs.

Suddenly the EM stood in front of us. I couldn't handle it anymore. Except of knowing how she arrived there so fast I just wanted to know what she wanted this time. I didn't expect an apology actually, but she apologized. Like this:

EM: I'm sorry for my behavior before. It was not okay to be so rude and yell at you

Me: Oh it's okay(I wanted her to go away already)

EM: But you should have shown my baby your vagi*a and I don't get how someone can be so sensitive about that.

I... I didn't say anything and I headed towards my friends car. She didn't let me through and started yelling again

EM: You are such a whore. Because of people like you I can't raise my kid properly and she can't learn new things. NOW GET UNDRESSED, MY CHILD HAS THE RIGHT TO SEE YOUR VAGI*A!

I was furious and pushed her aside and she almost fell as she tripped. She yelled again, I think she cried too and... well we got our stuff in my friends car and then got in and she drove really fast. As I calmed down from my anger we parked at McDonalds and as we ate something we looked into each others eyes and suddenly started laughing. It was just so fucked up but we laughed because such bullshit happened to us.

Oh jeez... I guess it's because of me people can't raise their kids. I find it so hilarious now. Still really gross what she expected from me and I was 15 at that time! Think about that. Just disgusting

However now we can laugh about that and it's okay. Right now I wish I had called the police on her back then but I was still pretty young, naive and uninformed and also shy so... I have learned from that and I'm more mature now.


I know i don't censor alot but I felt like this needed to be cencored. Also, i'll post later or tomorrow because my computer is being really slow right now.

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