Chapter 1 : flashbacks

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"Hey! Watch where you're going! God. does anyone in this school even know how to get around here?"

"Oh s-sorry I-I didn't s-see you...I was j-just heading to c-class I'm sorry..."

"No joke you dum dum! look at you you're a mess."

"M-my bad...I didn't m-mean bother y-you...I'm sorry..."

Soon the dark haired boy kept his gaze down as he started tearing up in front of the boy in front of him.

"Hey you dum dum. don't cry over this, it's not worth crying for...come on let me help you"

Soon enough hoseok looked up and saw a boy with dark brown hair and skin that looked like powdered sugar, giving him a hand trying to help him up. So he gave the boy his hand and stood up from the floor.

"Sorry it's just I-I'm new..."
Hoseok said as he looked down to see his white shoes.

"Hey don't worry...I'm new here too, so you don't have to worry too much." Yoongi said giving Hoseok a small smile.

"What even is your name?" Said Yoongi as he gave the boy a quick glance making sure he was okay.

"My n-name is Jung hoseok and you?"

"Min yoongi."

"Well Min yoongi this may seem to soon but you wanna come over to my house later Today?"

"Sure if you say so 'Jung hoseok' "

The two boys then laughed their cares away as they made their way to their next class. They didn't care if they were late because they knew from that moment on they had each other. No matter what.

They were going to be inseparable.




"I said..SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP."

Yoongi hated his alarm clock going off really early in the morning he just wanted to sleep in his warm cozy bed forever and never leave for work. But he knew he needed money and so he got up and changed into some fresh clothes and drove off to Big Hit industries.

"I wonder if hoseok already got here..."
As yoongi was thinking he pulled up at the empty parking lot and saw Hoseok walking out of his red car.

His cherry lips
the way he walks
His smile
The way he laughs
His voice
His moves


As he said this he parked his car and quickly got out of his car and made his way towards hoseok.

"Hey Yoongi!"

The red haired boy gave yoongi a warm sunshine smile which yoongi loved so much it made his entire day.

"Hey hoseok"

He put an arm around hoseok's shoulders and both boys started walking towards the main building.

"You ready to record for our new music video?" Hoseok giggled a little on the thought of this.

"Ha! Am i ready to bust my ass off? Haha! No."
Hoseok just giggled as they both entered the main building.

Receptionist :
"Min yoongi"
"Jung hoseok"
" can go in."

I wonder if the other members are here I hope not...i just want to be alone with hope for a while....just...a while...

( this is the end of chapter 1! Sorry that it's not that interesting but I'm hoping i can make it interesting enough.Chapter 2 may be coming out tomorrow it depends how much time i have but hope you enjoyed ! Eventually i'll make a publishing schedule...take care ( ' ▽ ' )ノ ❤)

A/n from namJune the 16th 2019 : hey so I edited this chapter so it could make sense with the rest of the story, so sorry! Also yes. They are 7 year olds (at least in the flashback) I kinda rewrote this chapter oops. 👀 but I left some of the original chapter in some places so all is not gone.

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