chapter 6 : Cast

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wtf, why this moment? This could have happened any other moment but now....god it's so awkward...

"You want me to turn of the radio?"
Hoseok then nodded his head in response. Yoongi then turned off the radio and silence filled the car during whole car ride to the hospital.

"I guess we're here..."
Yoongi then carried Hoseok again until he found a wheel chair stationed by the entrance of the hospital.
Yoongi then sat Hoseok in the wheel chair but Hoseok didn't feel as comfortable as when he was in Yoongi's arms.

"Yeah...sure , let's just go in..."

Soon the 2 boys found themselves in a white room with a strong scent of strong mints and gloves. All they could hear was the clock on the wall ticking the time away.

I should say something...

"Hey Yoon-"

Hoseok's sentence was cut off as soon as their doctor walked in as she then placed her clip board down and closed the door behind her.

"Hello nice to meet you , my name is Iro hiroshima and today I will be attending you."

"Um...hi..nice to meet you too." Yoongi said as he looked down.

"Nice to meet you Dr.Hiroshima."

Both boys then looked up from their gazes and gave their full attention to Dr.Hiroshima.
"Okay so what seems to be the problem?"

"I really hurt my ankle during a dance practice earlier this morning. I think I may have sprained it or something maybe due to the way I landed."

Yoongi watched as Dr.Hiroshima took notes on her clip board and laid down her pen and stood up.

"Okay Hoseok , we will have to take some x-rays on your ankle and check up on your health so this may take a few minutes."

Yoongi then saw Hoseok being rolled away from the room with Dr.Hiroshima following.


After some time all the x-rays and checkups were done. But once again Hoseok and Yoongi were left waiting alone for results to come through.




"How long do you think-?"

"I dunno I hope not for long...I mean I need you..."

"Yeah hehe...I hope so too...."

After a while Dr.Hiroshima came into the room with results in hand and sat down in her stool and rolled over to where Yoongi and Hoseok were sitting.

"So according to the x-rays we took, your ankle may have to take up to 5 weeks to heal. Since your injury was really hard on your ankle."

"WHAT?!" Hoseok said as he pulled on his hair, trying to calm himself down.
"No no no...please tell me there's a faster way for me to heal please."

"I'm sorry Mr.Jung  but you're going to have to wait it out until your ankle gets better."
"I mean the ligaments in your ankle took some damage when you landed."

"Damn it...." 

"For now we're putting a cast on you, it won't speed up the healing process but it will help you."

"Thanks....I guess."

Soon Hoseok got taken away again and came back had a cast around his ankle. It felt really itchy and tight but he knew he had to eventually get use to it eventually.


"Okay so here's a list of he can't do for these next few days and here's some anti-inflammatory prescription."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."
"Yoongi. Right?"
"Is Mr.Jung your....boyfriend?"
Yoongi felt his face heat up as he heard the doctor's question come out

"N-no m-a'am"

"Okay...sorry is that you two-"
"It's fine everyone says that we..."
Soon Yoongi's words trailed off trying to find a way to leave.

"I'm sorry if that was such a personal question to ask, just take good care of him okay? I can tell you two really mean a lot to each other."

Yoongi then left the room awkwardly looking back and turned his gaze to a certain someone with crutches.
"You like em? They're my new way to get around...hehe."
"No. I actually don't...I like seeing you walk with your own two feet. But I like carrying you. It makes me feel strong, powerful..."
"Oh, can carry me right now..."
"What? Seriously?"
"Yeah. Just? can you also get my crutches? I'll be needing those. I can't always relay on your strength..." Hoseok giggled as he slightly blushed.

Yoongi then picked up his hurt angel from his feet and carried him back to his car pretending that no one was watching.

"I hate seeing you hurt."
"I bet you're just saying that just because"
"No...I'm being serious..."
He then gave one little smirk making sure he's 'serious'
"No you're not!"
Hoseok then punched Yoongi's shoulder playfully.

"Ow! that hurt!"
"You're cute...Come let's just take you home's getting late..."

A/N : sorry this chapter is short i need some inspiration but don't worry i'll make a yoongi birthday special 👌❤ because why not? After that I probably won't be updating till' maybe monday or Tuesday but let's just wait see (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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