chapter 28 : Blood, Sweat, and Tears

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"Good evening passengers, we are arriving at Busan, South Korea, So if you're awake please stay mindful of our sleeping passengers until we have landed."


9:56 pm 

I don't want to bother him right now. I'm just going to book a hotel. 

What even am I to you, Jung Hoseok?

Do I love you? do you love me? 

Of course you don't love me. You love him. But why didn't you tell me?

Yoongi stared at the clouds outside his window and saw Busan down below.

You may not even be here but I don't want you to make the same mistake I made.


warning : sensitive content 


Hoseok laid wide awake, unable to sleep. It was hard to sleep, especially since his insecurities were coming back to haunt him especially after what happened with Yoongi. 

Nothing felt right for Hoseok these days, everything felt like it was his fault and he was the one to blame.

'Are you fucking insane Hoseok?'

Hoseok then started crying silently, trying not to disturb Jimin.

'Are you okay? You look tired.' 

'Yeah. I'm alright.' Hoseok said as he pulled down his sleeves. 

Hoseok then stood up and started walking in the middle of the darkness and found his way to the kitchen. He then flipped the switch and lights came on. 

He looked into every drawer until he found the one that held what he needed.

'And they say that I am the sick boy, easy to say, when you don't take the risk.'

Hoseok then pulled out the sharpest knife and held it lightly in between his hands.

It's been some time, old friend.

Hoseok then placed his back against the kitchen wall and sank down against it.

Hoseok stared at the knife and saw his reflection against it. He started breaking down just like he did every night of his high school life.


'I know they'll support you Hoseok!'

What Min Yoongi had told Hoseok was a lie. 

On top of being pressured to be the smartest student, to be called useless and countless other names, and to always be insecure. 

Being gay wasn't something Hoseok's parents had planned, or so they said.

That night at dinner Hoseok, was shaking, and didn't know what would happen.

20 minutes went by and Hoseok finally came out to his parents.

Hoseok's dad dropped his fork , and Hoseok's mom started to get furious. 

'Are you fucking insane Hoseok?' Hoseok's dad said as he started making his way to Hoseok's side of the table.

'N-no p-please, Dad, p-please I beg y-you.'  Hoseok said as he stared bawling.

'That's what you should have fucking thought about before you came to us as gay. Disgusting.'

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