chapter 19 : Forgiveness

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-not revised or has been edited-

Hoseok ~

Soon the car came to a stop when they pulled up at a cool gray house with bright yellow flowers already bloomed outside.

"We're here" namjoon soon parked the car in the driveway and stepped outside to a soft cool breeze.
Hoseok felt himself shaking from anxiety not knowing what was going to happen once he stepped inside of that house.
"Calm down Hoseok...there's nothing to worry about..."
Hoseok then took deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down and knocked on the dark brown door.

Soon he saw a brown haired boy pop his head out the door and his eyes immediately focusing on Hoseok.
"'re here."
Said the brown haired boy in a low voice as he was letting him and Namjoon enter his house.

Soon Hoseok felt the guilt and anxiety pressure him as he entered Jin's home once more.

"Joonie...why did you bring him here?" Said Jin his voice almost at a whisper.
"Jin he really wanted to tell you something and I can tell you really need to clear things up..." Namjoon then put a hand on Hoseok's shoulder and looked at him.
"I'm going outside and leave you two alone. Okay?"
Namjoon then opened the door and left outside to the cool spring breeze.

"...Jin I'm so sorry-" Hoseok then felt a tight hug around his whole body and felt the forgiveness of his friend.

"I'm the one that should be sorry for everything that I've done hoseok I should have told you...but I didn't want to see you hurt like in the past..."
Hoseok then hugged Jin back and rubbed his back gently showing comfort to the older male.

"Jin...I've forgaven you. I was stupid for leaving you like that. I was stupid for getting mad at you for something that I thought you did wrong..."
Jin then pulled away from the hug and put his hands on Hoseok's shoulders.

"Hoseok I forgive you too. I'm sorry for hurting you for being a bad friend for just not telling you. But I want you to know that Yoongi right now isn't okay he's in a relationship that I'm worried will hurt him. Hoseok." Jin looked deep into Hoseok's eyes.
"I can tell he really misses you. Please. Try fixing him again try to help him through these moments. Try opening his eyes to something that's a hazard to him."

The room went silent and Hoseok just looked over to the window and saw a leaf fall in the breeze.

Yoongi needs my help...he may not want me but he needs my help.

"Thank you Jin."

Hoseok then gave Jin one last hug and stood up and left his house with a sunflower left behind where he last sat.

"Ready to go?"

"Yes...I were right namjoon...thank you."

A/n : sorry for the late update/ short chapter I have many things going on and my mom wants me to be "productive" so I may not be updating as constantly as I used to.
You nice keep going 💞


Next chapter : 6/10/19 🥀

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