(continued) chapter 8: hbd II

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"So where are you going to tell me to go?"
"Just turn right around this intersection."
Yoongi then turned right at the intersection and saw a lot of restaurants with big flashing neon signs.
"Which one am I going to?"
"Park right here."
As Yoongi parked he read the big neon pink letter which read the palace  he was guessing it was some sort or club or part club.
"We're here!" Hoseok said in a bright sunshine smile.
As the two boys got out, Yoongi started panicking.
"The palace? You know...I don't like social places..."
"Don't worry I'm by your side aren't I?

He was right. What did he have to worry about? I mean his Best friend was by his side. As the boys were almost at the entrance they heard someone yell

"Yoongi! Hoseok! Over here!"

Soon Yoongi turned around and saw Jin waving his hands at them.
Jin then gave Yoongi a tight hug and Yoongi tried pulling away but his grip was too strong.
"Hey mom. Just remember to not call me Yoongles."
Soon all the members were gathered around in the front parking lot laughing at the nickname Yoongles.

"Okay whatever you say, Yoongles."  JIn said as he let out a windshield wiper laugh.
"Oh! And who do we have here? My sunshine child ! My poor sunshine... what happened to your ankle? You can't even walk without those crutches!"
"Hehe....I had um...a little accident..."
"A LITTLE ACCIDENT? WELL THAT ISN'T LITTLE! My gosh don't worry your mother is here!"
Jin then kissed Hoseok on his forehead. As Yoongi saw this he felt jealousy rush through him.
"Let's just go inside" as Yoongi said this he immediately went towards Hoseok and held his hand.
"What are you doing?" Hoseok whispered.
"Holding your hand duh. What else am I doing?"
"Well...I actually kinda like it..."
"Pff. Don't over work it."
Soon all the members were sat at a table near the dance floor but not so close they couldn't hear each other.
Soon everyone placed an order of drinks and a lot of food.
"can you bring us 7 glasses and a bottle of wine please?" Namjoon said.
"Sure anything else?"
"So? Yoongi anything you want to tell us?" Jin asked.
"Um...not really."
"Not even that you and my sunshine child may be together? Hmm?"
As Jin said those words Yoongi could feel himself get flustered and hot.
"No! We're just friends and that's all!"
"Oh Really?"
"Yes! Now can we move on? What about You? Anything you want to say?"
"Nope." Jin just said it with a tight smile on his face that it even creeped Yoongi out.
"Okay stop you're making me uncomfortable..."
"Actually I have an announcement to make." Jungkook said as he stood up from his chair.
"Well us..."
Then he saw that Tae was also standing up from his chair.
"Sorry that we haven't really told any of you guys yet but..." As Tae said this everyone knew what was coming but were still waiting to act surprised.
"We're dating..." As Jungkook said this everyone's jaws dropped down like in the cartoons and Jungkook then immediately sat back down and covered his face from the embarrassment. But Tae then pulled him in and hugged him to show it was okay.
"You two are going to make me cry...."
Soon Yoongi turned around and saw Jin crying into Namjoon's shoulder.
"I'm proud Joonie...we raised our children well..."
Soon the waitress came back with 7 glasses and a wine bottle.
"Here you go. And your food will be here in just a bit."
Soon Namjoon passed everyone a glass and served wine.
The waitress then came back with everyone's food it was all steaming hot which made it more tempting to eat.
"If you need anything else just call me over okay?"
"Thank you." Namjoon then stood up from his chair and held up his glass of wine ready to make a toast.
"To Tae and Kookie so they can be a happy couple! And to us so we can stay friends and most importantly to Yoongi so he can have an amazing birthday with us!"
Soon everyone then took a drink from their wine and started eating.

12: 47

"Jin mother , this is like the 10th glass of like vodka you've had in a row..."
"I'm fine. Don't worry. Joonie? Yah wanna go dance? Come on."
Hoseok then saw Jin Standing up and pulling on Namjoon so he could get up.
"Jin, bae you're drunk."
"Well I won't take that as an answer."
Soon Jin picked up Namjoon and started walking towards the dance floor.
"Well *hiccup* aren't you a big boy?"
He than let out one of his windshield wiper laughs and they soon started dancing off in the distance.
"Well that was something wasn't it?" Hoseok was talking to Yoongi.
"Let's go dance!"
"Can we just not stay here?"
"Come on!"
"Hoseok you know I don't..."
"Come on....."
"Fine we'll stay here but only because it's your birthday and because I don't want an angry lil' meow meow."
Yoongi then playfully punched Hoseok's arm.
"Pff. Shut up"
Soon they realized all the members, except them, have gone dancing.
"You want to go outside for a while?" Hoseok said with sparkling eyes.
"I mean sure...if you want..."
Soon Hoseok got his crutches and started walking towards the entrance.
Soon Hoseok found himself in Yoongi's arms being carried to the entrance.
"Let me down."
"No, I can't see you suffer like this."
"But it's your birthd-"
Soon Hoseok got interrupted by Yoongi shushing him.
"Shh.I don't care if it's my birthday. I even forgot today was the 9th day of March so shut up and let's go outside. Together."
As Hoseok heard those words he could feel himself just wanting the world to be for him and Yoongi only.
Soon they were outside sitting in the parking lot.
(If your page is white I recommend you putting it in a black setting ;) )



"You're my best friend. You know that right?"
"No. I actually don't...I've never had a best friend."
"Well...do you consider me as your best friend?"
"I dunno...what even is a Best friend?"
"...I really don't know I guess you just know...you know?"
"....then yeah I guess you are my best friend..."
"Yeah, I mean Hoseok you've been there with me when like I was in the depths of the ocean but you came and dried up that ocean like the sun you are. Like heck I don't even know what I'd be doing right now! Like I'd probably be in hell right now...But when I needed someone you were there but I found you and you found me. Hoseok I never thought I'd say these words to a living human but you changed me. you changed my life."
Soon Yoongi felt a tight grip around him and felt Hoseok's arms around him. Soon he felt a tug on his coat. He then heard quiet sobs from the red haired boy.
"You also...changed my life Min Yoongi..."
Yoongi then felt an even stronger grip on his coat but he didn't mind because he also felt hot tears roll down his cheeks.

Sunshine boy how do I wish we were together, how I wish we could stay in each other's arms for the rest of our lives how I wish you were mine...
(A/n : I'm listening to brave enough while writing this and I swear 😭)


Yoongi and Hoseok went back inside just to find everyone drunk except Tae.
"Oh hey you came back!"
"Hey." Yoongi said looking at the scene behind Tae.
"I'm driving everyone home because they're all drunk heh....
"No *hiccup* we're not!" Jungkook rebelled.
"Yes you are Kookie, now let's go home."
"I see my child over here is a party pooper...sorry Yoongles we're going home early....hehe get *hiccups* it? Home early?"
"Yeah I get it it's almost like two in the morning geez. You and Namjoon need some fucking sleep."
"Don't worry...*hiccups* we're going to sleep."
"Sorry Yoongi we gotta go, but happy birthday!" Tae said
"LaTAE!" Jin screamed behind him
"Yeah yeah we get it."
Soon everyone said their good-byes and left.


"You want to sleep at my place?"
"Sure...I mean it's closer than mine"
And a lot better. Yoongi thought 
Soon after they arrived at Hoseok's home they immediately went to Hoseok's room and cuddled next to each other.
"Happy birthday lil 'meow meow"
Hoseok said in a low whisper.
"Don't call me that...."

Soon the two boys fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms just Alone.

a/n: ...I want to cry now. Also it's like 1 am and I have school tomorrow but I get to dress up as a meme so.

feelings ♡ sope fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें