chapter 12 : quiet

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Hoseok the next day woke up to his music still going on from last night and felt his pillow still damp and cool from last night's tears. When he woke up he felt empty and had a lot of thoughts running through his mind that he couldn't bare any longer.
...why? I never thought...
How did they really meet...
Yoongi are you sure you love him?
Soon Hoseok got out of his bed and changed into fresh new clothes, a month had passed after he got a grade 2 sprain but he could walk and he didn't feel any pain anymore and wondered if it had finally healed.
I wonder if my ankle healed, I should really go back to the hospital to check up on my health....
Hoseok then slowly opened the door hoping Yoongi wouldn't be awake and walked towards the kitchen.
...shit he's there...
"Hey Hobi!" Said Yoongi happily as if nothing or anything ever happened.
"Hey...." Said Hoseok with a frown, he couldn't bare reminding himself of yesterday as he couldn't look at him in the eyes without wanting to cry.
"So how'd you holding up?"
As Hoseok heard this he just wanted to go to his room or just run to the hospital showing he doesn't need him but he couldn't deny the fact he did need him. 

"How I'm holding up? Ha! And you're still asking yourself that question Yoongi? You-"

Before Hoseok said too much he stopped himself in disappointment and just shook his head.
"You know what, forget's not like you'll ever care..."
Yoongi just looked at him in disbelief knowing this isn't the Hoseok he knows.
"...I do care! Hoseok you're my best friend of course I care!"
If you really cared you would know what I felt for you...
"...I'm leaving..."
"What? Where?" Yoongi asked looking perplexed.
I hate how cute your stupid face is...
Hoseok then started tearing up again but stopped himself from crying, knowing he couldn't keep this up.
"Where are you going? I can drive you there..."
"I'm going to the hospital."
Hoseok then rolled his eyes and pointed at his cast around his ankle.
"Dumb ass, see you even forgot I had a broken ankle..."
"Hey! Did not! by the way it's sprained."
Yoongi then chuckled and punched Hoseok playfully but Hoseok wasn't in the mood.
"Let's just go." Hoseok said blankly and empty inside knowing he'll have to let go someday.


what's wrong with Hoseok? he's not acting the way he used because I have don't think so....He's too nice...
Yoongi then opened the car door for Hoseok. Hoseok then entered without even saying anything. He usually says thank you or at least makes eye contact but this time he looks off into the distance.
Did I do something?...
Yoongi then started up the car and tried starting up a conversation.
"So what do you think of my boyfriend..."
He waited for a response it took a while until Hoseok mumbled something.
"...He's okay."
Yoongi heard his voice deep and flat out sad. He knew something was wrong with his best friend as he watched him staring off to the distance outside the window beside him.
Yoongi stopped at a red light and looked over at Hoseok, Yoongi saw the boy shaking but heard nothing from him, he then knew he was silently crying to himself and knew he was hiding his emotions.
"Hoseok...don't cry...tell me what's wrong..."
"O-oh it's n-nothing it's just I-I thought too m-much..."
"About what sunshine..."


He hadn't heard that word in so long he missed it. He missed the way his voice said it. The way he missed him. Soon Yoongi kept driving towards the hospital and Hoseok never answered Yoongi back. 

About you and your boyfriend....

Soon Yoongi pulled up at the hospital parking lot and stationed his car.
"We're here...."
Soon Hoseok wiped his tears and got out of the car, soon Yoongi came following after. Hoseok then started walking ahead of Yoongi towards the hospital soon he felt a hug behind him, he turned around and saw Yoongi.

"...I miss you.."
"But I'm here..."
Soon Hoseok hugged him back and wanted to forgive him but felt a pain in his chest and pulled him away.
"I'm sorry but we have to go in remember?"
Hoseok then saw Yoongi's face frown as he pushed him away.
"...I'm sorry..."

Soon Yoongi was in Dr. Hiroshima's office, counting the time till hoseok came out of his check up. It was quiet but too quiet...All he could hear was the clock on the wall ticking away.

Time goes too slow to notice...

Soon Yoongi heard the door open, and saw Hoseok walking on his own two feet, both of his white shoes on his feet, noticing how the blue cast wasn't on him anymore how he was on his own....walking.
"He's all good and ready to go home. He no longer has a broken ankle but for now he can just rest again."
Dr. Hiroshima said, filling the room with some type of noise and not just silence.
"He's also good on his health...which is pretty good but that's all."
"Thank you Dr. Hiroshima" Yoongi said as he then looked over at Hoseok, As Hoseok didn't say anything, just staring at the floor, Spacing out.
"Hoseok.." Yoongi whispered, signaling he should say something.
"Oh...Thank you very much Dr. Hiroshima for taking good care of me, hope you have a good day."
Hoseok then bowed and opened the door signaling that they were leaving.
"Hope you have a good day too and be sure to not break another ankle."
Soon Hoseok started getting ahead of Yoongi again. But Yoongi didn't bother to catch up since he knew Hoseok wasn't going to tell him what's wrong.
What's the point of going after him if he just won't's quiet and it's not like him, that's not's someone that I don't know well anymore...
Yoongi and Hoseok then got out of the hospital and hopped back into Yoongi's car soon they started were on the road going back home but the ride felt empty and quiet.

Quiet. I never liked silence.

A/n : hi guys sorry that I hadn't updated in over a week I was busy with school and other things also did you see the persona trailer like wtf???? I was sister shook 😂 also I'm not ready for their comeback like I swear It's less than like 16 days like 😤
But here follow me on social media I post there often ;)

Insta : i_hate_snakeu_bts / i_hate_snakeu_aesthe
Snap : llama_starbucks
Luv ya ! ❤

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