chapter 2: a moment

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As soon as Yoongi and Hoseok entered the practice room they saw that no one had arrived yet.
Thank god its just us....
"Hey Yoongi i think we should start practicing our choreography..."
"You go on ahead i'm going to write some lyrics."
Soon Hoseok played the music and started dancing to the beat. As soon as yoongi looked up he couldn't look away. He was mesmerized by the way the angel from above danced. He danced as if it were his last time he moved so He moved like he had no care in the world.
Yoongi's train of thoughts stopped when he realized he was staring at hoseok and that hoseok was looking right at him,confused.
"Yoongi are you...okay?" Hoseok then let out a small smile knowing that he was staring at him while he danced.
"Y-yeah I just got distracted that's all..."
"Okay...just let me know if anything is wrong...okay?"
If Anything is wrong? It's probably wrong for me to like you when you probably don't even like me!
Yoongi then went back to writing lyrics but was hard for him to focus since the only thing he thought about was the way Hoseok danced.
If only you could dance like that for me.


He stared at me...
As music played in the background Hoseok couldn't find focus no matter how hard he tried. All he kept doing was messing up.
Damn it Hoseok keep it together, it's not like he likes you...Even if he did how would I tell him I also do..that I want him in MY arms and that i want to kiss that squishy face of his.That I love the way he is. The way HE makes me feel...
Hoseok then decided to go where the music was taking him and took a leap as he spinned in the air but he was too caught up in his thoughts and that he didn't look where he was going to land  and landed the wrong way and on the wrong foot.

"OUCH!" Hoseok screamed in pain. As Yoongi heard the boy's cries he imminently stood up and ran to Hoseok's help.
"Oh my god baby what happened?!"
Wait...did he just call! Calm down Hoseok it's not like he likes you or anything...I bet he says that to everyone.
"Did you just call"
"Answer me Yoongi..."
"Fine I did but it just came out okay!?"
"It's fine..."

 Hoseok then found himself blushing at the thought as he then turned to look at the blue haired male and saw Yoongi turning a bright red.
"Are...y-you okay?"
"Yeah...let me try to...OUCH!"
Hoseok tried to stand up but then felt a massive pain on his ankle and let out a small whine.
"I think you sprained your ankle..."
"N-no i can't sprain an ankle now ! I need to help the others learn the choreography and we need to record...This can't be happening !"
"Calm down okay?...come on, let me carry you...we need to go home first and then take you to a doctor."
Hoseok started to tear up at the thought that he won't be able to be back at work if he had actually injured himself and if were the case he would have to wait until he healed to get back to work. Worse of all he wouldn't be able to see Yoongi...
Yoongi then picked up Hoseok and took him in his arms like he always dreamed of. But then he looked over and saw that the red haired boy was crying.
"Please Hoseok...don't hurts my heart to see you like this..."
"I c-can't stop Yoongi...I just can't...If this injury is something serious I won't be able to see the others and especially you..."

The way he says it...the way he thinks of's adorable...
God i want to kiss you so bad...
Yoongi then gave Hoseok's forehead a small kiss to try and make him feel better.
"There." he said "Don't be sad, now let's go we'll come for our stuff later..."
Soon Yoongi and Hoseok signed out of the building saying that Hoseok is having an emergency needed medical attention. Soon Yoongi opened the backseat of his car and laid Hoseok down "You okay?"
"Yeah...i think..." Hoseok then wiped away the tears as they started driving to Yoongi's house.

A/n: okay sooooo how was it? You liked it? Show it to your friends if you'd like i mean i came up with this form the top of my head soooo ╮(─▽─)╭

A/n from 091619 : I realized this situation doesn't make sense and that I was not fully awake in the moment. But I'm too lazy to rewrite everything especially since I already made chapters following up to this so I guess some of you will have to suffer with my stupid logic sense.

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