chapter 25 : conscious

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Yoongi woke up somewhere unfamiliar. He didn't feel ready to wake up but his body told him other wise.

His eyes were only half open when he saw that all sorts of cords were attached to him, probably keeping him alive. Not knowing that he's been like that for 3 weeks.

How long have I been here? Is this...a hospital?

Yoongi's senses didn't fully come back until he heard, what seemed, a gasp coming from someone.

"Guys! Guys! Wake up now! He's alive!"

Yoongi then realized it was his beloved maknae, Jungkook. He heard other people in the room, groaning, as he then heard another voice speak.

"Obviously he's alive Jungkook...his ECG monitor is still showing his heart beat..." Namjoon said as he was rubbing his eyes awake.

Namjoon. I see your here too.

"You stop being a smart ass, and the rest of you stop being lazy asses and get up!"

There's my Jungkook.

As Yoongi fully opened his eyes, he saw his best friends gathered around him with puffy eyes.

"Yoongi hyung! You're awake!" Said Taehyung as he gave Yoongi an awkward hug since he thought he was still fragile. The rest then joined Taehyung in giving Yoongi a hug but felt their force against him, suffocating him, forgetting how fragile their friend was.

"Get off of me!" Yelled Yoongi as he pushed his friends of of him.

They all got off of Yoongi and giggled at the boy.

" long have I been...unconscious?" Said Yoongi as he looked at his friends with a serious face.

Jin then looked at Yoongi and held his hand.

"Yoongi, You've been unconscious for 3 weeks, and this may sound like an exaggeration but we thought you were going to die..."

Yoongi then stared at Jin, not knowing what to do with the information given to him.

"But hey, at least you didn't put the fun in funeral!" Said Jungkook awkwardly trying to break the silence in between everyone.

"What is that supposed to mean?", Namjoon asked looking at Jungkook, letting out a small chuckle just for the room to fall silent again.

"...How did I get here. what happened to me? I don't get why I'm at the hospital again. Can any of you help me remember what happened? "

Jungkook looked anxious, the poor boy must be stressed. Yoongi thought.

Jungkook then inhaled and told Yoongi everything.

"Thursday night Yoongi. You jumped from your apartment window. Right after the argument you had with Hobi hyung. Now, I don't know who brought you here but all I know is that you were probably pretty depressed that night..."

Jungkook then hung his head low while Yoongi's memories came flooding back from that night.


"Wait. Where is Hoseok and Jimin?"

The boys then turned their attention back to Yoongi and wondered the same thing.

"We actually don't know..."

Yoongi then looked at every single one of them with a strange look wondering why they don't know where Hoseok and Jimin are.

"What do you mean, You don't know? Didn't you call their cell phones or anything?"

They all then shook their heads and looked at Yoongi with disappointed looks.

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