chapter 20 : visitor

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Hoseok said his goodbyes to namjoon as he got out of his vehicle he started walking to his apartment.

On his way he looked up at the sky and saw the gray clouds above him. more rain....

As Hoseok entered his apartment building he saw no trace of someone being in their apartment.

Good. I get to be alone. Alone at last.

Hoseok then made his way to his room feeling the cool air conditioning welcome him as he threw himself onto his bed.

Feels nice being back here. Just alone. No one home. No worries....right...forgot one thing.

Hoseok then thought of Yoongi and closed his eyes wanting to just forget everything. He then heard a knock at his apartment door when he least expected it.

Hmm? Who could that be?

Hoseok then stood up from his bed and walked towards the apartment door opening it he saw a small boy.

"Hey hyung!", Said Jimin giving Hoseok the cutest smile, that smile covering his eyes.

"Jimin?", Hoseok chuckled as he pulled the small boy into a hug.

"What are you doing here?", asked Hoseok as he pulled away from their hug.

"Well I thought that you could need some company. I mean I've seen how anxious you've been these days it just unsettles me. I mean ever since our disband I haven't really been able to see I thought why not come over today?"

Hoseok then smiled at the boy and moved so Jimin could enter his apartment.

"Well, welcome in Jimin."

"Wow hyung! This place is amazing! I mean me and kookie can barely afford a 1 bedroom apartment!"

Hoseok then chuckled at the small boy and then rufled his hair.

"Well it really isn't much but I guess it's a lot once you think about it."

Jimin then sat on the couch and pointed at something in specific.

"Hey hyung?"

Hoseok then hummed as a response.

"When did you and Yoongi hyung take that picture?"

Soon he looked at the picture that was in a frame set in front of their TV.

"Oh...that picture? Well it was when me and Yoongi were at the beach...right before everything happened."

"What was that last part hyung?" Said Jimin looking at Hoseok with a confused look.

"J-just forget what I said..."

"Ok ,Well do you want to talk about it? it's fine if you don't..."

Hoseok then let out a sigh as he sat next to Jimin on the couch.

"Well you remember when we were on break right before disband right?"

Jimin then glared at Hoseok and looked away.

"Yeah, I do remember."

"Well around that time Yoongi got a boyfriend. And I didn't know anything about it until I found out myself even though Jin already knew about it. I even hung out with him before everything went wrong."

Hoseok then looked over at the picture of him and Yoongi at the beach. His arms around Yoongi as Yoongi gave off his bright gummy smile.

"Well I prepared a dinner and everything just for the both of us. But then it turned out he also had a surprise which was his boyfriend. As you can guess that night came crashing down with us arguing and them going into Yoongi's room and just. Just doing the unimaginable."

feelings ♡ sope fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang