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You're back to the bar.

They are obviously drunk as they take their coats and stand from the bar.

Jin, who is the least drunk due to his being older than the others, turns to you to explain the situation.

"Y/n we really should go home. Everyone is drunk and it's not safe being out now." he confesses.

"It's ok hyung. Go home. I'll take Y/n." Jungkook interrupts his older and clearly more mature friend resting his arm on his shoulder.

With this everyone gets in the car leaving you and Jungkook alone.

"What have you done?" you ask hesitanly afraid of his answer.

"I don't know what you're talking about princess. I just made sure for us to be alone, no disturbanses." he confesses with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" you insist, your mind can't help but to think the worst.

He sighs deep before continues.

"Ah ok. As you have already understood everyone is drunk. And this was my plan after all." he laughs.

You try to protest. Tell him this, all this, is wrong. But he doesn't leave you putting his index finger on your lips.

"I didn't finish yet." you tense down.

"With everything being under controll due to my perfect plan, we'll have the ideal circumstances for some time together. Don't you think so?" he continues explaining his mischievious but still effective plan.

And indeed you hadn't thought of this side of the facts. Indeed you and Jungkook will have some time to spend together.

Now the question is how?

Actually it's preety obvious.

"When you say some time together..." you raise a challenging brow enjoying to tease him.

"What do you want kitten?" he lics his lips while checking you out shamelessly.

"Oh what is that? New kinky nickname Kookie?" you say slightly surprised but still turned on.

Y/n what's wrong with you?

"I say so. Don't you like it kitten?" he repeats the kinky nickname teasing you.

"Not a big fan of cats actually." you answer with a disgusted expression.

"Aw too bad because this is going to be your nickname from now and, kitten." he insists.

"Will this teasing ever stop?"

"Whatever bunny. Can we just go home now?" you ask with an equally teasing tone.

"Hey don't you dare call me bunny again naughty kitten." he points at you.

"Why bunny? Oh does this bother you? To bad because this is going to be your nickname from now and, bunny." you continue as you burst into laughter.

Suddenly Jungkook's expression darkens getting extremely serious, so much that you stop laughing instantly.

His eyes are throwing sparks. He doesn't speak, just stare you deeply. The most torturing seconds of your life had began.

Firefighters on the stage quickly.

"You're such a naughty baby girl, aren't you?" Jungkook says after a couple seconds.

He approaches you threatingly and you step back. He comes closer and closer untill your back hits on the wall.

"J-Jungkook. Babe I'm sory." you say terrified of his sudden actions and he laughs.

"Too late kitten, don't you think so?" his muscular arms hit the wall behind you, trapping you this way.

He leans to your ear whispering.

"Bad kittens need their punish, right?" you gulp. You can't react, you can't speak, you can't move to sneak and break free.

All of his actions just hipnotize you and you are unable to proccess information or react. It's almost like a spell or something.

When you're still lost, eyes closed, he lifts you up and you wrap your legs around his waist.

"Let's go. Time for your punishment." he says with manly and hoarse voice, which only turns you up even more.

A/n ❤
Να μαστε άλλη μια φορά με τον Κύριο Jeon. Δεν ξέρω αλλά cringάρω μα τέτοια κεφάλαια. Απλά κάνουν την ιστορία πιο ενδιαφέρουσα. Ένιγουέι όλοι ξέρουμε τι θα ακολουθήσει...👅😉👿

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