-With the first look-

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"Love at the first sight."

Taehyung was right. It was indeed the definition of what we call love at the first sight.

Although none of you wanted to admit it, you loved each other from the first time you met.

And it wasn't at the reunion party.


That's what all of the others thought, but the story between you and Jungkook has long roots.

You and Jungkook look at each other when recalling the first time you met.

This memory is still vivid despite the fact that it was on the highschool.

Your first love.


Jungkook's pov
"Listen up everybody. We've got a new student in our class. Shall we meet her?" the teacher announces.

I was absorbed as usual not paying attention in the class. I never did.

Suddenly a new form caught my attention. A new girl walking with such grace and pureness.

Fuck she's so beautiful.

Brown long hair, sparking eyes, red kissable lips glowing like cherries.

Her clothes indicate every inch of her tiny but still attractive body.

Damn what is this feeling? It's like tickling on the stomach.

Does love at the first sight exist?

Y/n's pov
Today it'll be the my first day in my new school and I'm so nervous.

What if they don't like me?

Hearing the teacher announcing my arrival I slowly enter the class with a friendly smile, so as to make a good impression.

"Hello everyone. I'm Y/n. Kim Y/n. I'll be your new classmate so I hope we're in good terms. Thank you."

Oh my Got. I'm really proud that I didn't shudder. It would be a disaster.

"Ok Y/n welcome. Um now you'll sit... in front of Jungkook, the guy on the back.

I walk to my seat in front of... um how did she said his name. Oh Jungkook.

Nice name. Maybe we'll become friends.

As soon as I sit I turn to face the boy.

"Um hello. I'm Y/n. Well you already know that. And you're Jungkook."

Damn why do I behave so awkward?

He finally lifts his head, which was stuck on the window all this time.

And wow he's handsome.

Brown hazel hair, brown doe eyes, thin but still so beautiful lips.

As soon as I notice his handsome face I jsut stand there frozen staring.

The eye contact makes my heart flutter.

Damn what is this feeling? It's like tickling on the stomach.

Does love at the first sight exist?

Normal pov
You both stand there admiring, noticing and exploring every facial characteristic.

Since you realize you've been doing that for a certain time you chuckle awkwardly.

That's when it started. Your first love.

End of flashback

After the recall of this sweet old memory everything turns black.

The last thing you remember is Taehyung and Jungkook calling your name, before you pass out.

Time skip

"Will she be ok doctor?"

"She hasn't anything serious. It's just all the vivid moments she's been through. Don't worry Jungkook."

Jungkook has been worrying about you since you passed out.

The positive comments from the doctor are an instant relief for his pained heart.

He really cares about you.

After the doctors leave you and Jungkook are alone in the room.

He comes closer to you slightly stroking for a while your hair as they long lay on the pillow.

"You scared me to death again kitten. I can die if anything happens to you. You are my whole life." he confesses while smilling.

"Mm w-why did you stop?" you groan when his movements stop and you're awake.

"Y-y/n? You're awake!" Jungkook literally screams when seeing you smiling at him.

"I've missed you so Kookie." tears start forming in your eyes threating to fall.

"I've missed you more babe." he answers now hugging you tight.

"Do never leave me again."

A/n ❤
Παιδιααααα. Επιτέλους τελείωσε το σχολείο! Δεν ανέβαζα για αρκετό καιρό αλλά...NOW I AM BACK. 😝💜

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