Chapter 2 - Knock, Knock

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Katie's P.O.V

Roxy was in the shower and I was typing on my laptop, sat at the kitchen table. I was on a roll, when there was a knocking sound at the door. It wasn't really a knock. More of something hitting the door...
I instantly forgot what I was doing and let out a frustrated sigh. The knocking went again.
I looked at the door and listened. Nothing. I saved my work and walked to the door opening it.
The guy from outside was standing there, holding some... poster tubes? They looked like poster tubes. Some were on the floor, clearly stating he dropped some, which would explain the knocking on the door.
"If you wanted some help, you could of just knocked and asked, instead of letting the tubes do it for you." Was what came out of my mouth. Damn me to hell.
I mentally face palmed, but the guy chuckled, indicating he wasn't offended.
"Sorry." He smiled. He's cute! He's also German!
"Would it be too much trouble, to ask you to grab those for me?" He nodded at the tubes on the ground.
"Sure. Where are you heading?" I asked, picking up the tubes. Kinda heavy, what is in these?
"Room 10C. I'm just moving in, but I think you already knew that." He smirked. He clearly knows it was me pointing at him before... Fuck me.
"Yeah..." I laughed awkwardly. I tried not to look at him, 'cause the embarrassment was real! "Welcome to the hood." Hood? Hood? Did I just say hood?
The guy just chuckled and led the way to 10C. I lived in 3C. He was close by...
I followed... Names are kinda essential... I followed him to his apartment, where he pushed the door open and let us in.

"It is a safe area, but you should really close your door, when leaving your apartment, some people have cats." I mentioned, placing the tubes on his sofa, where he placed the tubes he had down.
"Right. Thank you for the notice." He smiled, taking his jacket off. He changed clothes... The jeans were the same, but now he wore a grey shirt and black beanie.
Whilst I was wearing a black Def Leppard shirt, grey skinny jeans, no shoes, grey koala socks, purple beanie and black and white sleeves/arm warmers... Whatever you want to call them. What I'm getting at is, we both have the same style.
"I'm Richard. Richard Kruspe." He smiled. Holding a hand out.
"I'm Katie. Katie Sixx." I smiled, shaking his hand. "What brings you to New York, Richard?" I asked. His hands are soft. Am I weird? Yes? I thought so.
And! He could just be moving house... Who says he's straight from Germany? He could of been raised here!
"Need of new scenery. New York seems extreme, but perfect for that." Richard smiled, moving a box off his second sofa, allowing for me to sit down.
I looked at the clock, on the coffee table, and shrugged. I had time.

I sat down and Richard closed the door, before joining me.
"What brings you to the city? English accent, am I wrong?" Richard asked, holding a finger up, just noticing. You know that thing people do, when they just point something out?
"I moved to Ohio, when I was one, but the accent is just me. I can't help it. Moved to New York, when we turned... Nineteen? Now I say that, we were very stupid to do that." I listened to myself.
Richard chuckled. "Interesting." He nodded. "Did you not like Ohio?"
"I liked it there. The area I grew up in was nice, but the people I knew there... Me and my three best friends all agreed we'd get out of there, when we could. New York is our home now." I smiled, motioning to the city outside.
He had a great view from the balcony doors.
"New York certainly seems like the place to be." Richard smiled at me. He had a nice smile.
"It is." I agreed, nodding.
"So, what is it you do?" Richard asked, with that kind smile.
"Katie?!" Roxy called, voice muffled.
"I gotta go." I looked at the door.
"Right... Sorry for keeping you." Richard frowned slightly.
"No worries. It's all good. I'll see you around." I got up, walking towards the door.
"Of course. See you around, Katie." Richard stood up, showing me out.

I opened the door, smiling at him, but I didn't move my foot, so it stopped the door from opening and I walked into the door.
"Fuck!" I yelled, moving back, holding my nose.
"Katie?!" Roxy called for me, just as Richard asked, "Are you OK!?"
"I'm fine! Bye." I rushed out the apartment, closing the door behind me.
Christoph and Roxy were three doors down, looking over at me, whilst I was red in the face and holding my nose, leaning back on Richard's door.
It could be worse...
The door opened and I fell back into Richard's apartment, with a yelp. It got worse.
"Katie!" Christoph and Roxy shouted.

I opened my eyes and Richard was looking down at me, a shocked and apologetic look on his face.
"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?!" He asked, helping me up.
"I'm fine." I whined. This was so bad... What is wrong with me?
"Are you sure? Are you hurt?" Richard questioned, gently taking my chin in his hand, getting a look at my nose.
I stepped back, but backed up into Christoph. Just kill me now.
Christoph caught my fall, as I nearly fell again, and held me steady.
"I'm OK... Let's go." I took Roxy's hand and walked to the apartment, wanting to cry.
I could feel Richard just looking at me, but I kept walking, with Roxy now holding my hand properly.
We got in and I face planted the sofa. I heard the door close and the silent conversation between Christoph and Roxy. Footsteps came closer and I could feel a hand on my back.
"Are you alright?" Christoph asked softly.
"No..." My voice cracked. "Why is it always me?!" I asked, sitting up. "We moved here, 'cause of me! Everyone's had fail relationships, 'cause of me! You-"
"Stop! Calm down... Take a deep breath." Roxy sat next to me, as Christoph crouched on the floor, in front of me, holding my hands in his.
I took a deep breath and saw two cats, by the TV. "I left the door open, didn't I?"

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