Chapter 14 - Desperation Day - Pt. 1

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Katie's P.O.V

How I Met Your Mother: Series 6, Episode 16 - Desperation Day.
A.K.A: February 13th. The day before Valentine's Day.

"So! This is what I'm going with." Roxy walked out her room, wearing her new dress. Well, she bought two, but she's going with this one for her date tomorrow.
It was short, but appropriate for the restaurant. It was strapless, all black, layered skirt, but not puffy. She wore black high heel boots, her hair in bunches, and silver pumpkin earrings. Both me and Roxy loved Halloween. Pumpkins were massive things for us. We loved them!
"You look great! I love it." I smiled, sat on the armchair that faced our rooms. Our rooms were next to each other. Mine closest to the kitchen, Roxy's closest to the living room. Opposite was the bathroom and a small storage closet, to the left of the front door.
"You really think? I'm debating the other dress..." Roxy spun around, before taking a look at herself.
"No. Christoph needs to see that one. Roxy, you're gonna get arrested for killing the man. Making his heart beat so fast, he passes out and you reaching in his chest, stealing his heart... I really went for that. Sorry."
We laughed and Roxy nodded at herself. "You're right... This one."

"Hey, I'm sorry if you've ever felt like you're third wheeling." Roxy came and sat on the sofa, next to my armchair.
"No, it's OK. It was never that bad. I've always had Bonnie and Naomi, anyway." I smiled.
"Yeah, but you're my bestest friend, and I know I'm yours. I don't wanna leave you behind." Roxy frowned a little.
"Roxy, I'm alright. Besides, I have my date with Richard, tomorrow." I shrugged.
"New subject. What are you going to wear?" Roxy asked, changing the subject.
"What I usually wear...?" I looked down at myself. Camo jeans, Slipknot t-shirt, striped tipless gloves.
"Katie, it's a date. Not your first date, but an actual date, date. Wear a dress, or skirt... Or wear leggings." Roxy suggested.
"Not go as myself? In an outfit I'll be really unhappy in?" I asked. It was true.
"You could wear that red dress you wore for Bonnie's 25th!" Roxy smiled.
"No." I said plainly.
I sighed and looked at Roxy, as she pouted. "Two minutes." I got up.
I left the apartment, in my panda socks, no shoes, and walked to Richard's.

A couple of cats were sleeping in the corridor, so I had to prevent myself from going over to play. I knocked on his door and waited.
"Katie!" Richard smiled, as he opened the door, but not fully. He was just peeking out.
"Hey. What's the plan for tomorrow?" I asked, getting to the point.
"Oh... Uh..." Richard look back into his apartment, then back at me, with a strange smile. "I'll pick you up at seven. I have a surprise, for our first date."
"Should I wear a dress?" I asked, trying to peek behind Richard. What choo hiding, fool?!
He chuckled and stepped into the corridor, closing the door, but leaving a crack, so he could get back in. He looked casual, wearing a black Emigrate hoodie and some sweat pants, no shoes.
"Wear whatever you're comfortable in. Just be you." Richard smiled.
"What are you hiding, and can I steal your hoodie?" I asked him. He was on the hoodie!
Richard chuckled and took the hoodie off, handing it to me.
"I was kidding." I laughed, with slight embarrassment, holding his hoodie.
"Keep it. I don't mind." He smiled, placing his hands over mine, so I still held the hoodie. "And who says I'm hiding anything?" Richard asked, now wearing a black Kiss shirt, with his sweats.
"You're acting strange..." I mumbled, catching myself hugging the hoodie. It smelt nice.
"I told you. I have a surprise for you." Richard winked. "You can't come in."
"Didn't want to anyway." I faked an attitude, walking back home.
Richard chuckled. "Be ready for seven!" He called.
"I will." I smiled, turning around to see him, before we both entered our apartments.

"Where'd you go?" Roxy asked, walking out the kitchen. "What is that, and where did you get it?" She looked at the hoodie.
I put the hoodie on and laughed. It was a size large and I'm a size small.
"It was Richard's, now it's mine, and Richard said he has a surprise for me and I should wear what I'm comfortable in." I smiled, waving the empty sleeves around.
"OK!" Roxy laughed. "I'm gonna change, but pick out an outfit, I'll give my opinion." She smiled, walking to her room.
"OK!" I skipped into my room.
I looked through my draws and picked out my best jeans. Grey, with Ouija board pattern on them. I picked out my black Arch Enemy tank top and my striped red and black jacket, and I'd wear my white converse, as they're the only type of shoes I can walk in.
"Knock, knock." Roxy peeked round my door.
"Do come on in." I smiled, bowing to her. She curtsied and entered, laughing.
She was back in her lazy clothes, but her hair still in bunches. Her lazy clothes were one of Christoph's horror shirts, as Roxy loves all things horror, and some Nightmare Before Christmas pyjama pants.
"How's this?" I asked, as the outfit lay on my bed. My phone buzzed in my pocket.
"OK... OK... Can I change some things? See what you think?" Roxy asked, looking the outfit over.
"Yeah, go ahead." I smiled, sitting on my bed to check my phone. Roxy knew where everything was.

NayNay: What time we hitting up David? *Wink face*

Me: Come at 4. We watch, I change, you give opinion, I freak, you calm me, talk me out of it, I start thinking straight and kick you out.

NayNay: Sounds good. *Laughing face*

I loved her loads. I slipped my phone in my pocket and looked at the changes.
"What did I pick? Any of it in there?" I joked.
"The top." Roxy pointed out, with a big smile.
She lay out my black skirt, striped black and red tights, my black knee high converse, and a striped black and white cardigan that wasn't mine. It was Roxy's, but she never wore it. I wonder how it got into my room?
"You sure you want me to wear the cardigan?" I asked, lifting a sleeve.
"Yeah. It's your date. You steal his heart and get arrested for it." Roxy smiled, sitting next to me, on the bed.
"Thank you." We shared a hug.
"Now, your hair... Black beanie or bunches?" Roxy played with my hair.
"Or both?" We both asked each other, with smiles.

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