Chapter 17 - Worried About Nothing

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Katie's P.O.V

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!" Roxy was jumping on my bed.
"NO!" I whined, covering my face with my pillow.
"Now, please. It's one o'clock. Gotta be up and dressed for NayNay, then you and Richard are going on your date, which, by the way, I want to hear every detail about!" Roxy jumped off my bed and pulled the duvet off me.
"Cute jammies." She smiled. Harley Quinn shorts and Richard's hoodie.
"Tank you, now leave." I mumbled.
"I'm going." She smiled. I could hear her walking away. "She'll be out now, Richard."
"What?!" I shot up, running to the door. I peeked into the living room, where Roxy and Archie stood laughing. "Fuck you." I walked out my room.
"Sorry. Love you really." Roxy gave me a hug, before walking to the bathroom.
"Your hair is red. I thought the red hair was my thing?" I asked Archie, as he sat on the sofa and I walked into the kitchen.
"Yours is a thing, but only with you girls. I'm my own person." Archie loved sounding smart.
"Alright, dude. Chill." I joked.

I heard the shower turn on and the bathroom door lock.
"She's nervous." Archie spoke up.
"What do you mean?" I asked, making a bowl of Honey Hoops. I joined Archie on the sofa and we started talking.
"She's nervous about today - Her date with Christoph. Their reservation got mixed up and Christoph cancelled it. She doesn't know what they're going to do now." Archie informed me.
"Is Roxy OK?" I asked, looking at the bathroom door.
"Yeah... But we think they're only going to Broadway, now. No meal." Archie shook his hair up, using his hand.
I nodded, sadly. "And how are you?"
"Alright. Been doing a lot of thinking and I want to thank you guys for tonight. I've been meaning to ask Bonnie out for a long time. Just never saw the opportunity." Archie smiled.
"It's alright. Bonnie really likes you, Archie, and it's clear you like her too." I smiled.
Archie nodded, smiling. He was so exited for tonight.
"You picking her up?" I asked.
"Yeah! Going straight out, then we're going to the park. Just gonna talk." Archie smiled.
"Nice. She knows, yeah?" I asked him.
"Yeah. We talked about it." Archie grinned. "What about you? How are you feeling about today?"
"I'm exited to watch The Lost Boys, with NayNay. I am nervous about tonight and I'm slightly freaking out." I was honest.
"I'm no stranger to going on dates. Just relax, talk, don't drink too much, and don't stay the night! Yes, enjoy each others company, but no funny business!" Archie warned me.
"He's serious about this, isn't he?" I asked, finishing my bowl.
"I never met the guy. Only said 'hi' to him, but the girls say he's nice. They say he has a clear interest in you and they think you two look good together." Archie spilled the beans.
I placed my Batman cereal bowl on the coffee table and turned to Archie.

"Be honest with me." He turned to face me. "Am I worrying over nothing? I don't want to be over thinking, and I don't want to be clumsy, rushing out in a panic." I bit my lip.
"Katie, you're gonna be fine. We're not kids anymore. Richard's a big deal. You follow his Instagram?" Archie chuckled.
"No? How big of a deal is he?" I asked.
"Katie, he's in a famous band. I looked him up, last night. Fans have spotted him in the streets and asked for pictures, Emigrate have sold out concerts, and he's got music videos on TV." Archie pointed at the TV.
"How come I've never heard of him, then?" I asked, now panicking.
"You can't know of every band ever! They only have one album. Which, I have to say, I bought a copy." Archie held my shoulders, trying to keep me calm.
"What if fans see us together? What if we get stopped? What if-"
"Katie, shush." Archie spoke calmly. "Richard knows you enough, to know you'll be OK. It doesn't happen often-"
"But his band is getting bigger. He said that himself!"
"Shh!" Archie pressed a finger to my lips. "Take a deep breath."
I breathed in, held it, and let it out.
"If any of that happens, just tell Richard. He clearly cares about you, a lot, and he clearly doesn't want anything bad to happen to you. You're fine. You're gonna be safe with him. If it helps you feel better, I'll have my phone on me-" Archie held up a hand, stopping me from cutting him off. "If you should need me!" He said. "Don't worry about me and Bonnie. She'll understand. If anything happens, that you don't like, then tell Richard or call me."
"Thanks, Archie, but now I don't know what to think." I frowned.
"I'm a mechanic. I know more about cars, then people." Archie said plainly.
We shared a laugh and relaxed.


I stayed in my pyjamas and waited for Naomi. She'd be here any minute.
Roxy walked out her room, fixing her earrings. "Right, I'm ready. Has he called?" She asked.
"Don't you think I would of let Christoph in, if he called?" I asked, filling the dishwasher.
Roxy laughed, nervously. "Yeah." She walked into the kitchen.
"You OK?" I asked, giving her my attention.
"I don't know what he has planned. He said he'd come pick me up about now." Roxy sighed.
"Well, you look stunning." I complimented my best friend. "and-"

Knock, knock.

We looked at each other. "I'll get it." I walked to the door.
I unlocked the door, Roxy walked up behind me, and opened up.
"Cry, little sister! (Thou shalt not fall) Come, come to your brother! (Thou shalt not die)." Naomi sung, holding up The Lost Boys DVD.
We laughed and I let her in, giving her a hug. I looked down the corridor and Christoph wasn't here yet.
"You look stunning!" Naomi hugged Roxy.
I shook my head, no, to Roxy.
"Thanks." She smiled sadly, looking at me.
"Everything OK? He's not stood you up?!" Naomi asked, stepping out the hug, seeing our looks to each other.
"No! He's just not here yet and I have no idea what we're doing." Roxy sighed.
"Oh... Well, if he's not here in five minutes you're watching David with us." Naomi crossed her arms.
Naomi wore a black tank top, with her pink too too, and black crucifix leggings, with her black combat boots.
"Thanks, NayNay." Roxy sighed.

All Seven Of The Deadly Sins (Richard Z Kruspe Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora