Chapter 24 - Changes

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Katie's P.O.V

We all looked at Roxy. Silent. In shock.
"What?" Bonnie asked her, warming her hands on her coffee cup.
"Christoph asked me to move in with him. I've not answered him, yet. I said I'd have to talk to Kate." Roxy looked at me.
"Call him!" I suddenly yelled. "You have to move in with him!"
"Fuck yeah! Don't leave him hanging!" Naomi nodded.
"Are you sure?! What about you?" Roxy asked me, shocked.
"Richard lives only doors away, there's loads of cats, low crime rate. Don't worry about me. It's not like I'm never gonna see you again!" I gushed out.
Roxy smiled and Bonnie got up, walking over to her bag. She grabbed Roxy's phone and brought it over.
"No!" Naomi screamed, standing up.
We all looked at her. - Me a little scared, as she was stood right next to me.
"Do it in person! We'll get a cab!" She yelled.
"Shoes!" I shouted, running for my room.
Roxy laughed and ran for her room, as Bonnie dived onto the sofa bed, grabbing her shoes from the other side, Naomi skidding to a halt, before she hit the coffee table, grabbing her shoes off the floor.

We all rushed to get ready and ran out of the apartment.
"Come on!" Naomi shouted, in front, opening all doors.
I held Roxy's hand as we ran, with Bonnie behind us. We ran down three flights and out onto the street. Neiboughs and passer-by's were looking at us, but we didn't care.
We were shouting at each other, running up and down, looking for a cab.
"I'VE GOT ONE!" Naomi screamed, up the hill.
"COME ON!" I screamed, running up, with Roxy just behind me, Bonnie already there.
We climbed in the cab and Roxy told the driver the address. We were all crammed in the back of the car, but it was so much fun!
"Step on it!" Bonnie ordered.
It took 30 minutes, but we made it.
"Let's go!" Bonnie opened her door, since she got in first, after paying. We all piled out and just ran into Lindemann Co.
We crashed into front desk and all started talking at once.
"Ladies, calm down! Who do you want to see?" The woman asked, all attention on us.
"Herr Schneider!" We all smiled.
"Seventh floor." The woman could only point out the elevators.

We all sped walked over, as running wasn't allowed, and piled in the elevator. I hit the seventh floor button and we all did the impatient dance.
"Are you sure this is OK?" Roxy asked me, one last time.
"Yes! Don't worry." I smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder, as she stood next to me.
"My rent is almost over, so if you want, I could move in." Naomi smiled.
"Oh, do you want to?! I've got a room going?" I asked, excitedly.
"Hey. I've not left, yet." Roxy laughed, as Naomi nodded eagerly.
"We're here." Bonnie gushed out.
As soon as the doors opened, we pegged it. We knew where we were going.
"Christoph!" Naomi shouted.
In a single file line, we passed his sectary, who was trying to tell us something. Bonnie, then me, then Roxy, then Naomi.
Bonnie and I opened the double doors, to Christoph's office, and Naomi and Roxy ran in, behind us. It was like those action movies! Only it turns out we interrupted a meeting.
"Roxy?" Christoph stood up, from his desk, worried.
"Oh... Hi." She caught her breath, as three gentlemen, and Christoph, were looking at us.
"Are you alright?" Christoph walked up to her.
Naomi stood next to Bonnie, holding one door open, and I stood opposite, holding the other door open.

Roxy and Christoph were stood facing each other, in the center of the room, holding hands.
"Yeah... My answer is yes." She smiled. "Yes."
Christoph looked at her and smiled, his eyes going big. "Really?" He couldn't speak.
Roxy nodded and Christoph wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her forehead. "Thank you." He whispered, holding her close.
Bonnie smiled at me and I smiled back.
"I love you." Roxy smiled, arms around Christoph neck.
"Ich liebe dich auch." Christoph picked her up and spun her around.
Roxy screamed, in surprise, but laughed.
One of the men cleared their throat.
Christoph put Roxy down and looked back at the men. "I'm sorry, this is my girlfriend, Roxy, and our friends, Bonnie, Naomi and Katie." Christoph introduced us, smiling brightly.
"S'up." I gave a nod. Naomi gave a wave and Bonnie just smiled.
Roxy and Christoph were still holding each other and the men didn't look too happy.
"I'm in a meeting. I'll call round after." Christoph turned to Roxy.
"OK." She smiled. She kissed his lips and walked out, with us following.

Roxy hadn't changed from last night, only her hair was down, Bonnie was wearing her dress and boots, Naomi was wearing blue jeans, her pink too too, and her black tank top, and I was in my jeans and hoodie. We looked weird, but we all walked out with pride.
We got to the lobby and linked arms, walking out.
As soon as we were out, we all screamed and hugged Roxy.
"I can't believe it!" Bonnie shouted.
"Did you see his face?!" I smiled.
"We don't have a cab." Naomi pointed out.
"Let's get some food." Roxy suggested.
We all looked at each other and nodded, turning to walk towards the city.

Bonnie and Roxy linked arms and me and Naomi followed behind them. We stopped at the nearest café and got some breakfast and coffee. We sat at a table for four and ate our food.
"So, how was your date?" Roxy finally got to ask me.
"Oh! It was great!" I then started telling her all about it and described it all.
We were all so exited and happy, that we lost track of time, staying in the café until two.
When we got home, it had just gone three. Naomi and Roxy changed clothes, Naomi borrowing some of mine, and we put some music on, cleaning the living room and kitchen.
Naomi actually went into Roxy's room and started telling us where all her stuff will go.
There was a knock on the door, just as we finished, and as I was the closest to the door, I answered. All there was, was a big badger teddy bear, holding a sign that said 'Richard missed you today.'
"Guys." I called my friends, looking down the corridor. No one.
The girls gathered around and we didn't know what to do.
"Think he may want to see you again?" Bonnie asked, on my left.
I nodded and, with Roxy's help, pulled the badger inside.

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