Chapter 8 - The Girls

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Katie's P.O.V

"I'm home! Jordon was nice and he gave me the best advice. Naomi, lose the 'tash." I took my jacket off and walked into the kitchen, as Naomi finally took off the moustache.
Bonnie was sat on the sofa, watching TV, and Roxy was making some popcorn, in the kitchen. I could see Christoph on the balcony, making a phone call, so I just left him be.
"Was he nice?" Roxy asked, curiously.
"It wasn't a date. Katie told me all about it, Jordon talked to her about breaking down her wall." Naomi and Bonnie walked into the kitchen.
I wrapped my arms around Bonnie's waist and rested my head on her shoulder. "He said I should invite Richard over and just ask him questions. Can we just lay it out as it is?" I asked.
"OK. 1) You have this wall built up, because of everything that has happened in your life. You were badly bullied in school." Bonnie started.
"Your hair took ages to grow, when you were little, and everyone called you a boy." Naomi frowned.
"You sometimes talk too fast, your sentences get mashed up, or words get switched." Roxy smiled, softly.
"Yeah, you sometimes use the wrong word, but we understand. No one is perfect. Doesn't make you any less human." Bonnie smiled, making me look up at her.

"Two?" I asked, taking it all in.
"2) ... You've never been in a relationship before-"
"Nothing wrong with that!" Naomi interrupted Bonnie.
"No, nothing wrong with that, but you don't know what to do, when a guy takes interest in you. You don't see all the signs." Bonnie continued.
"So, I know nothing about flirting, or guys for that matter, and I can't really see if they're being nice, or are interested?" I said more to myself.
"Yeah." Bonnie nodded.
"We should invite Richard over!" Roxy spoke up, before walking onto the balcony to talk to Christoph. Only she will make him put that phone down. Take my word for it.
"So, this Jordon asked if you wanted to grab a coffee?" Bonnie asked, sitting at the table.
Me and NayNay joined her, sitting opposite her.
"Yeah. Was that a thing?" I asked, suddenly thinking back to how I responded.
"Did he ask for your number?" Naomi asked, grabbing the popcorn, as the microwave binged.
"No. He set a time, date and place, and that was it. I said I'd go." I replied.
"Not a date. He's interested in being your friend. Did you do something funny, to get his attention?" Bonnie asked, smiling brightly.
"She said she was taking a poll!" Naomi laughed, putting the popcorn on the table, now in a bowl.
"So, he saw your funny side, not your 'flirty' side. I don't mean flirty, but he saw you as a potential friend, rather then love interest." Bonnie explained.
"So, I did nothing wrong with him?" I asked, hopeful.
"Nothing wrong." Bonnie held my hands across the table.
"He said I wasn't the first person to approach him the way I did. He was offering to help me out, rather than ask me out..." I recalled.
"Awe, that's so sweet!" Bonnie gushed.
I smiled and Christoph walked in, with Roxy.

"Is he in now?" He asked me, sliding his phone back in his pocket.
"I don't know." I shrugged.
"Let's go find out." Bonnie stood up slowly, that cheeky grin on her face.
"Wait, now?" I asked her.
"Yeah! Come on!" Naomi smiled, taking my hand.
"Wait!" Roxy held her hands up, stopping us and stealing our attention. "What do you know about him? Let's not go in blind." She smiled.
"He's in a band... Emigrate. They're starting to become a big deal. He's also from Berlin." I replied.
"Ah. We can crack his code." Christoph smiled at me.
"Oh! Oh!-" Bonnie smiled, gaining my attention. "-Crack his code? Are you looking to get with him?" Bonnie just realised what Christoph said.
"Do you miss Germany that much?!" Naomi laughed.
"I did not mean that and you girls know that." Christoph laughed along.
"Hey, we're girls. We can make sex jokes too." Naomi crossed her arms.
Roxy was going red in the face, covering her mouth to hide her smile.
"Enough with this. Bonnie, what were you going to say?" I laughed, turning back to Bonnie.
"Yeah!" She calmed down. "You should invite him round and we'll let you know if he's being nice or if he's interested in you. He can get to know you for who you are, with us around. Just be you." Bonnie smiled.
"I don't think that is what you were going to say, but Bonnie is right." Naomi looked at me, still sat at the table.
"I was going to say 'it sounds like he already likes you, but you just don't really see it.' Plus, you have this wall up and it needs to come down." Bonnie frowned, softly.
"I have a funny joke, but I don't think it's appropriate." Naomi shuffled around, unsure.
"A German joke?" Christoph asked her.
She nodded, guiltily.
"Say it. If I don't laugh you know you have your answer." Christoph crossed his arms.
"Well, if it was Richard with the wall, then it'd be us working on the fall of the Berlin wall." Naomi grew her guilty smile as she spoke.
Me and Bonnie covered our mouths, trying not to laugh, whilst Roxy just burst out laughing.
Christoph tried to keep a straight face, but his smile broke through. "Just invite him over."
We all laughed, but soon calmed down.

"Wait... Katie, what do you think of Richard?" Roxy asked me, coming to sit next to me, where Naomi was.
"He's nice... He's ... Nice to look at..." I got nervous.
"You like him." Bonnie sat opposite me.
"He was outside the Coffee Bean... I said I was meeting a guy... Shit." I sighed. "He said it sounded like a date."
"Oh..." The girls frowned, Naomi now sitting next to Bonnie, opposite Roxy.
"It's not over." Christoph spoke up, taking the seat at the end of the table, on Roxy's side. "You should go over to his and get to know him, again. Explain about your wall." Christoph pointed at me, making a point. "If he likes you, and I mean as a love interest, he'll want to help you break the wall."
"It's worth a try." Bonnie nodded.
I stood up, shaking my head. "I feel like we're going in circles now... I don't like this. What did he do to show he's interested in me? Has he done anything?" I asked.
"He opened the door, when you ran out." Roxy answered first.
"He called round to see if you were OK, the next day." Christoph smiled.
"He still spoke to you, when you said about your 'not date'." Bonnie looked up at me.
"And he didn't push you away, with your first impression." Naomi smiled at me, resting her chin on her fist, as her elbow rested on the table.
"So, what should I do?" I asked.

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