Chapter 30 - Dates

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Katie's P.O.V

"Roxy, why are you looking on this site for a dress?" Christoph looked at Roxy's laptop.
"They're nice... Don't you like them?" Roxy asked, looking at her laptop.
"I do like them, but you're going to a wedding. These are like... I don't know." Christoph shook his head.
"Are you staying blonde for the wedding?" I asked Roxy.
"May as well. I'll go back to half head, soon, but I wanna be blonde for a while." Roxy smiled at me.

"I don't believe it!" Naomi stormed in.
Bonnie was chasing behind her, shaking her head at us, silently, telling us it was bad news.
"Are you alright?" Roxy asked, placing her laptop on the coffee table, before going to Naomi's side.
"She changed the date! They want get married in two months! Do you know how hard I've been working?!" Naomi pulled at her hair.
Bonnie took her hands and led her to sit next to Archie.
"Calm down." Archie wrapped an arm over her shoulders. "Take a moment, clear your mind... Tell us what happened." He was so level headed.
Naomi took a few deep breaths and sighed. "It's not her fault... James has got a promotion in work, so they're moving the wedding closer, so they can work on moving to Pennsylvania, later. Everything I've done, now has to change. The invites, the band, the DJ, the venue plans-"

"I could get my band to play. No charge." Richard stood up and walked over, sitting on Naomi's right.
"You'd do that?" Naomi asked, looking at him.
"Yes. You can't get a band for two months time. That's not an easy task. I'll make my band do it." Richard nodded.
"Thanks, Richard... What about the venue?!" Naomi slouched down.
"Katie can get the art museum." Christoph spoke up.
"I can?" I asked, looking at him.
"Yeah. You're dad has work in there, they'll give it to you. I'll even pay." Christoph nodded.
"Can you, please?!" Naomi grabbed my arm, leaning over Archie.

"I'm not touching, Bonnie, I swear!" Archie held his hands up for surrender.
"I... Uh... I guess." I shrugged, as Bonnie laughed.
"Thank you!" Naomi hugged me, scaring Archie.
I hugged her back, so we wouldn't fall.
"Now, we need flowers! And cake! And-" Naomi didn't finish, she just ran off with her phone.
"We're gonna be skint, but let's do this for Naomi." Roxy spoke up.
"Here, here!" We all nodded.
"Let's get the gallery." Christoph looked at me.
"Yeah." I nodded.

I got up and grabbed my jacket, as Christoph grabbed his keys.
"See you in a bit." I looked at Roxy.
"It'll be fine." She nodded at me.
Bonnie gave a wave and Archie gave me a hug.
Richard smiled softly at me and we left.

. . .

"I don't like it here." I said, as we walked up the steps.
"It's gonna be fine. Naomi needs us. If we can't get this place, I'll ask a favour at the office." Christoph put an arm around me, in a brotherly way.
"Yeah... Let's give it what we got." I nodded.

We walked through the doors and over to the front desk.
"You got this." Christoph nudged me.
There was a line to get in, so we waited. I saw the door that led to my dad's work. It was scary being back here.
"Next!" The lady smiled.
I walked up to her, with Christoph behind me, after five minutes of slow moving.

"How much to book this place for a wedding in two months time?" I asked her.
"Oh. I'll get my boss." She got up and walked through a door.
"We can take a look if you want?" Christoph looked over at the door.
"No." I shook my head. "It's too much for me."
The woman came back, with a man. "You asking about weddings?" He asked us.
"Yes. For two months time." Christoph nodded.
"Not our wedding. We've already done that." I said with a straight face. I just wanted to scare Christoph.

"Congratulations. Is there a date? We're booked for the whole end of April." The man told us, allowing for us to go into the back room, so we could talk.
"Two months today." Christoph replied. There wasn't a date, but we had to get what we could.
"April 18th, we can do that." The man checked a diary, sitting behind a desk.
"How much would it be?" I asked.
"We're looking, on short notice, with no changes... $13,650, including food, drinks, tables, and chairs." The man looked up at us.
"Forget it." I shook my head.
"Excuse us." Christoph pulled me out the room.

"That's a normal price!" He argued.
"Thirteen thousand? That's normal?" I asked.
"Never get married." He looked at me and walked back in.
I sighed and followed him. What was the point on walking out?
"How much would it be for Frank Lace's daughter?" Christoph asked.
"Frank Lace's daughter?" The man was caught of guard. He spoke slowly.
"Google him. $20 says my face shows up." I said, leaning back against the wall, by the door.

The room wasn't big, but it was nice and tidy. The desk faced the door, and there was a security TV behind the desk. The guy could of seen us talking, if he looked.
He typed on his computer, then turned to look at me. He was shocked.
"Miss Lace... I'm shocked. Uh, we can round it to $10,000, if that's better for you?" The guy asked us.
"Much better. Thank you." Christoph smiled.
We looked at each other, smirking, and the guy made the note, taking Naomi's name.

We walked out, proud.
"Let's look." Christoph grabbed my arm, nodding over to the door.
"Be my guest." The man smiled, as he was showing us out.
"I don't know." I frowned.
"Please? I like your dads work." Christoph looked at me.
I sighed and motioned for him to lead.

The man left us and we walked through the doors, turning left. We walked through another door and the paintings appeared.
"So, we're married?" Christoph asked, stopping at the first painting.
"For now. I'll divorce you outside." I looked at the painting.
A river in a forest. A lone man crossing over. No hiking gear, just a man on a walk. The sky is hidden by trees, leaving a dark aura in the painting.
"And this is the Frank Lace room. The first painting here is called 'Alone'-"
"It's called 'Silent'." I looked at the tour guide.
"Oh, yes. I'm sorry! This is called 'Silent'." The tour guide smiled at me, turning to his group.
"I dare you." Christoph smiled at me.

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