Chapter 22 - Herr Kruspe

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Katie's P.O.V

"...I just started strumming random notes and the girl really liked it, so I decided to learn how to play, 'cause it'd get me girls, pretty much." Richard chuckled, sitting opposite me.
"And you're only 27? You've been through a lot!" I looked at him shocked.
"We're even, then." He smirked.
I gave a friendly glare, then looked at his guitar case. "Play me something." I looked at his acoustic, just lying in it's case.
Richard picked up his guitar and smiled. "One of mine or something else?" He asked.
"One of yours." I smiled.
Richard chuckled and started to tune his guitar. He then started to play a song I thought sounded familiar. I don't know his songs, so it must be from the night I was at his, and we had the album on.

"I'm lost in a world of lights
Mesmerize my nights
The sky scrapes on buildings sites
I'm feeling so alive

Whatever's clever
Whatever's clever will have to wait
Thinking on the world at large
The city's got it all

Culture clash and sidewalk trash

Don't look down you might fall

And now we just feel like energy
New York city will never sleep
And now we just feel like synergy
New York city it's the place to be"

Richard played me the whole song and I loved it. He knows how to play. He knows how to sing. He knows exactly what he's doing and where he wants to go.
"Woo!" I cheered, as he finished.
"Thank you." He smiled, setting his guitar down.
"Do your family support your musical choice?" I asked.
"Well... My brother does." Richard replied, awkwardly.
I just nodded. Should I of asked? Too late. I shook it off.
"Your play... Is it a musical?" Richard asked, noticing the mood shift.
"Uh... I don't know. That would be cool, but I can't write songs." I shrugged.
"I can help." Richard smiled.
"No. You don't need to do that." I shook my head.
"I'm offering. You know where I am, if you change your mind." He smirked, with a wink. "Now tell me!-"

"Wait! When we came here all the candle were lit! Did you light them, then come get me?" I asked, looking at all the candles.
Richard looked shocked that I cut him off, but then laughed. "I may of."
"Fire hazard!" I looked at him.
"Relax. Nothing happened." He laughed, motioning his arm around the room, for me to look.
"You got lucky, Herr Kruspe!" I fake-scoffed, crossing my arms, sitting up.
"I do apologize, Miss Sixx." Richard held a hand on his heart.
We laughed, but Richard then checked his watch. "Wow. It got late. We should get home. It's just gone ten."
"Ten?!" I asked, taking his arm and checking his watch, catching him by surprise. "Shit! We gotta go!"
Richard smiled at me, making me smile back. "Can we do this again, some time?" He asked.
"Another date?" I asked.
"Yeah." He nodded shyly, as if I was going to turn him down.
"Yeah. We can. That'd be great." I smiled.
I didn't notice I was still holding his arm, until Richard cleared his throat and glanced down at our hands.
"Oh!" I let him go.
"No worries." He smiled. He has a nice smile. Did I mention that?

We both gathered our things and I got my jacket back on. Richard started blowing out the candles, allowing my help. There were about thirty. All different colours and some scented - Spiced Berry!
Richard picked up the last one and held it out, letting me blow it out. We just kept smiling at each other.
I picked up Naomi's bag, putting it over my shoulder, and Richard zipped his guitar case back up. He took my hand and we started walking towards the door.
"What about the cushions? The candles? What about the blanket?!" I asked, looking back as we walked through the door.
"I'll come back for them. Don't worry." Richard replied. "Let me get you home first."
I just nodded, trusting him.

We climbed in the car and Richard did as promised, he took me straight home, even walking me to the front door. We stood for a moment, just smiling at each other.
"Shh! It's her!" I heard Naomi inside. She must of heard us coming, now looking through the peep hole. Who was she with?!
"I can hear you!" I called at her.
Richard chuckled, leaning against the wall, facing me.
"Thanks for tonight." I thanked him.
"I'll come see you soon. I'm in the studio tomorrow..." He informed me.
I nodded.
"Kiss!" Naomi whisper yelled, thinking only I could hear her.
"Don't kiss!" I heard Bonnie yelled, further away from the door.
"I am sorry!" I laughed, in a sing-song to Richard.
He laughed, waving it off. "We all have friends like that." He grinned.
"Do it!" Naomi whined.
Me and Richard laughed out loud. He then took my hand and kissed it. "Goodnight."
"Night." I smiled, taking my hand back.
Richard left and Naomi opened the door.
"Cute!" She yelled.
I heard Richard laugh, as he walked through the doors to the stairs, heading down.

I walked passed her, smiling, and she closed the door.
"So?!" Bonnie walked over, from the sofa, that they pulled out into the bed it could become.
I took my jacket off and Naomi hugged me side ways.
"It was perfect!" I smiled.
"Yes!" Bonnie and Naomi screamed.
We shared a group hug and sat on the sofa bed, me in the middle. I took my shoes off and told them all about my date.
Bonnie told us about hers and Archie's date, then Naomi told us about her night. She was trying on Roxy's clothes and doing her make in different ways. She even made friends with a cat, when she opened the door and a cat wondered in.
We stayed up until one in the morning, just talking about our nights, and we eventually all fell asleep on the sofa bed. I was over the fucking moon that night! Everything was just... Perfect.
Bonnie and Archie had fun, Archie drove her here, after their date, and Naomi had fun, doing a fashion show, and it was guaranteed that Roxy and Christoph were having fun. *wink, wink*
They went to see a show and Roxy hasn't come home. She was still with him!

All Seven Of The Deadly Sins (Richard Z Kruspe Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora