Chapter 33 - Whispers

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Katie's P.O.V

"Guess what? Guess! I dare you! Tomorrow is Need For Speed!" I read out the text Naomi sent me, to Roxy and Richard.
It was the evening, Roxy got in from her meeting with the other NFS girls, Richard called round after his day in the studio, and I had just saved my notes for my play. Coming along nicely.
"It's the whole day, race starts at eleven. Getting in for ten?" Roxy asked me.
"Naomi wants to get in for nine. She wants to meet Paul Landers, so bad." I smiled, making spaghetti for dinner.

"I could just ask him to come round. He won't mind." Richard replied, sat at the table, joining us for dinner.
Roxy was brushing her hair, standing in her bedroom door way, talking to us. "She'll die!"
"Then! She text me a picture of her and her sister, picking up the wedding dress! She was working, when she text me that!" I pointed out, showing Richard the picture.
Avery was talking to the woman at the front desk, with her back to the camera.
"So, that's Avery's back." Richard nodded.
"You've not met her, yet, have you?" Roxy smiled, walking into the kitchen, hair nicely brushed.
"Not that I'm aware of." Richard smirked.
"Not consciously." I joked.

I went back to the food, while Roxy grabbed three bowls.
"Think she'll cry?" Roxy asked, about Naomi meeting Paul Landers.
"Don't know... She might run." I looked to my right, at my roomie.
"We'll all be there. I'm sure she'll be fine." Richard commented.
Chewbacca shouted out, indicating a text.

"Was that your phone?" Richard asked me, confused.
"Yeah!" Me and Roxy nodded, as I grabbed my phone off the counter.
"Archie... I've got the goods. Roxy wont know s thing..." I read out.
Roxy looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "What now?"
"Another..." I looked at my phone, as another message appeared. "*A. Won't know A thing. And not for you, Kate. Hi."
"Anyone else not gonna miss him, if he died?" I joked. We'd all miss him.
Roxy shook her head and grabbed her phone off the kitchen table. "Let's play."

She sat at the table and started texting.
I left my phone and served up the food, placing a bowl in front of Roxy, handing one to Richard, and placing mine at my seat, opposite Richard, next to Roxy, who sat at the end of the table.
Me and Richard dug in, waiting for Roxy.

"HA!" She smiled, putting her phone away and picking her fork up. "Looks great!"
"You're welcome." I nodded.
Richard smiled at me and it fell silent, before every phone in the apartment started ringing. Mine, Roxy's, Richard's, the house.
"What did you do?" I looked at Roxy, laughing slightly.
"I sent a text to Christoph, saying 'Last night was epic. See you soon.'." Roxy laughed.
"You were here last night, weren't you? I'm sure I heard you, as I got in." Richard raised an eyebrow, smiling.
Roxy laughed.
"Archie could of been talking to anyone!" I argued.
"He's Christoph's best friend." Roxy looked at me, as we ignored all phones, carrying on with our dinner.

An hour later there was a knock at the door. We all looked at each other, confused. Richard was just getting up to go back to his, for the night, and we weren't expecting anyone, especially at eight O'clock.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Richard wrapped an arm over my shoulders, as we walked to the door.
"Yeah." I nodded.
Richard opened the door and Christoph let himself in, ignoring us.
"Shit." I whispered.
"You want to come over for the night?" Richard asked, grabbing his jacket off the hangers.
"Nah. It'll be fine. She'll need me for proof, anyway." I looked at Roxy, taking Christoph into her room.
"If you're sure. You know where I am." Richard smiled.
I nodded and Richard kissed my nose, catching me by surprise. He winked and left.

I closed the door and shook it off. We've not kissed yet, but things have been really good between us.
I sat on the sofa and just waited.
"We weren't together last night! What was that text about?!" Christoph asked.
"It was a joke, Christoph! Ask Katie, if she's still here!" Roxy argued, sounding stressed. "You probably scared her off!"
"Forget Katie! Who were you with?!" Christoph asked.
"Silent night." I sung in a whisper.
"With Katie! Richard heard me here and Katie can vouch for me. What were you and Archie texting about?!" Roxy started yelling.
They were really fighting.

I got up and grabbed my jammies, from my room. I put my phone on charge, in the kitchen, and went for the door.
"That doesn't matter!" Christoph yelled.
"I don't matter?!" Roxy asked.
Maybe I should stay?
"Of course you matter, Roxy! You're gonna move in with me!" Christoph argued. "When you decide to start packing!"
I'm out.

I opened the door and closed it behind me, as I left. I ran to Richard's and knocked, waiting only a minute before he answered.
He looked at me and without saying anything, he let me in.
"Thanks. It's got heated." I stepped inside.
"Are you alright?" Richard asked me, closing the door.
"Yeah. It was just... I don't know. I think they'll be OK, but Christoph just said the wrong thing." I frowned, unsure of what to do. Should I sit down or...?
"Cute jammies." Richard smirked.
I looked at my over sized Slipknot top and my Harley Quinn shorts. "Cheers."

"You're so British." Richard chuckled, walking into his bedroom.
"Oh, is that why I have an accent?" I asked, following him.
He laughed and I walked in his room.
Double bed, black and red duvet and pillows, black curtains, framed Emigrate poster on the wall, black furniture, TV on wall, and a black rug at the foot of the bed.
"Can I move in? Just in here, though?" I joked.
"You gotta pay rent." Richard looked at me.
"Yeeeah. Changed my mind." I laughed.

"You can take the bed. I'll go on the sofa, if you'll be more comfortable with that." Richard smiled.
"I can go on the sofa. I used to sleep on one, all the time. I once broke my bed and had to sleep on the sofa. My dad laughed so hard!" I smiled, remembering Ohio.
"Sounds fun, but you're my guest." Richard smiled.
"Well... We're dating... We could share? If that's a thing." That took a lot of courage to say.
"We can share." Richard smiled.
I smiled back and Richard closed the door, leaving me to change.

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