Chapter 27 - Six Days To Go

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Katie's P.O.V

Roxy was on a date with Christoph, me, Naomi and Bonnie were food shopping, Archie was doing his last day at the garage, before NFS, and Richard was in the studio. Margaux was just gone. We don't talk about her.

"Cheese." Bonnie read off her list.
"Wait. What's this?" Naomi pointed out some pots in a fridge.
I pushed the trolley over and Bonnie grabbed a pot.
"Snackers. Mixed fruit pot." Bonnie read out.
"There's veg ones, as well." Naomi showed me the packaging, as she grabbed one.
"Let's try it." I shrugged.
Bonnie grabbed three fruit and two veg, since Naomi had a veg one in hand. We were shopping for Bonnie, but me and Naomi started picking up bits and pieces.

We walked to the cheese, where Naomi grabbed some cheese cubes and Bonnie grabbed the cheddar.
"Cheese cubes?" I asked, taking them from Naomi, to look at them.
"I put them on salads." Naomi replied. "It's really nice. I'll make you some."
"Oooh. Thanks." I smiled. It did sound nice.

We walked around the corner and someone ran into the trolley. "Dude!" I gasped.
"I'm so sorry. Watch it with that thing." It went from his fault to mine.
"You watch it. I've slashed tires before!" Bonnie got in his face.
He was tall and lanky, with glasses. He actually looked scared of Bonnie.
He scurried off and Bonnie nodded for us to keep walking.
"Dickhead." She mumbled.

. . .

We got home, to Bonnie's, and unpacked her stuff. We knew where everything went, but me and Naomi separated our stuff into two different bags, to save that confusion.
Once unpacked, Bonnie got a notification on her phone.

"Oh. Gotta sort out Roxy's hair. She's coming over in ten." Bonnie read out, heading to her room, to get her stuff.
"In that case me and Katie are going out. I really like smoothies, do you?" Naomi wrapped her arm over my shoulders.
"Sounds good. Love you, Bonnie!" I called to her, as we headed for the door, Naomi carrying our bags.
"Love you girls too!" Bonnie peeked round her bedroom door.

Me and Naomi walked out, heading to the nearest smoothie bar. We walked in and sat at a table, as this place provided service. It was a '50's styled place, but a very good one. It was called Milkshakes. Naomi first met her dickhead ex in here, but that wouldn't stop her from coming in. It was also her first job, in New York.

We sat opposite each other, in a booth, and looked through the menu. Our bags were on the floor, under the table.
A blonde women walked over, in '50's clothes. She looked awesome!
"You two ready to order?" She smiled.
"I'm having a strawberry shake. NayNay?" I smiled, looking to my friend.
"Uh... I like them all... Same." She shrugged, really unsure.

"And I'll have chocolate." Richard slid in the booth next to me.
"Hey!" I smiled, surprised.
"Hey. This one's on me. I've got the day free." Richard smiled, as the waitress left us.
"How did you find us?" Naomi smiled. "Good to see you, by the way!"
"Good to see you too! I saw you both in the window. Came here for a coffee this morning." Richard smiled, pointing to the window on my left. Naomi's right.
"Well done." I nodded, impressed.
"You girls want any food? It's on me." Richard put his arm on the back of the booth, behind me.
"Nah, we've just been food shopping." I kicked my bag of food.
"Saves that, then." Richard winked.

"How's the studio? I went in one, once, and got lost. Those places are huge!" Naomi smiled.
"Studio is good." Richard chuckled at Naomi's story. "We're working on recording four more songs, then it's onto the mixing process. Album should be released start of next year?" Richard shrugged.
"Awesome. You got a name for it, yet?" I asked.
"I'm thinking 'Silent So Long', but I think there are other idears." Richard smiled, making me and Naomi look at each other and laugh.
"What?" Richard asked, looking at us, thinking he missed a joke.
"You just said idears. Say I-D-A." Naomi smiled.
"Idear." Richard repeated.
"I-D-A!" I laughed.
"I'm German, leave me alone." Richard shook his head, smiling at us.
"You're still one of us." Naomi smiled.

The waitress came back with our drinks, placing them on the table.
"Thank you!" I smiled, taking mine. Richard payed and tipped her generously.
"How's your day been?" Richard asked us.
"Good. Just shopping." I looked at Naomi, who shrugged and nodded.
"Forget about that. Tell us about Paul Landers. Is he nice?" Naomi stirred her drink, with her straw.
"Uh... Yes. He is." Richard smiled, caught by surprise.
I looked at Naomi, saying 'what-the-hell?', but she waved me off.
"Is he tall? Or short?" Naomi then asked.
"Below average." Richard chuckled. "No, he's average height. An inch shorter than me."
"Does he have a thick accent?" Naomi smiled, resting her chin on her elbow, sinking on the table.
"He's German, born and raised. Yes, he does." Richard nodded.

"Do you prefer eclectic or acoustic guitar?" I asked Richard.
"DOES Paul know any instruments?!" Naomi gushed out, leaning into the table, sitting up.
"Uh, Naomi, why are you asking about Paul?" Richard asked her, lightly.
"No reason." She shook her head, sitting back, like it was nothing.
"NayNay, don't be ashamed of having a celebrity crush, on the guy, just don't bombard Richard with the questions." I smiled, softly at her.
"I know... It's just we're gonna meet him and I'm screaming inside." Naomi held a hand on her heart.
"You're a big fan, huh?" Richard asked her, picking up his milkshake.
Naomi nodded, looking down at her drink.
"That's OK. I don't mind, but you'll be able to ask him all these questions, when you meet him." Richard smiled at my friend, sipping his drink. "You actually remind me of him, quite a bit. You're both excitable, like puppies, and you always have a smile on your face. You're caring, sweet, and could talk for America. You have a lot in common."

I smiled at Richard. That meant a lot to Naomi and you could really see it. Her blue eyes lit up and her smile grew back, but bigger. Her cheeks hinted red, and she tilted her head.
She always tilted her head to the side, when she was over joyed.
"Are we really similar?" She asked Richard.
"I'm not gonna lie to you. You really are." Richard smiled, nodding.
Get a guy who accepts you and your friends. Check.

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