Chapter 7 - It's Not, But It Is a Date

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Katie's P.O.V

"You're not really taking a poll, are you?" Jordon asked, as I sat at the table.
"Not really, no." I shrugged, placing my bag on the chair besides me, sitting opposite Jordon.

Let me rewind a little bit: I told Roxy about getting coffee and she said it was a date, but it's not a date. I don't know this guy, but I'm gonna get coffee with him. Now, I have Naomi sat two tables away, reading a fashion magazine, watching me and Jordon, in case he tries to pull something. Roxy is fine with me doing this, but she kept telling me to open up a bit. Saying I should talk to this guy and be open. I'm gonna try, but try building a window in your wall. It's not easy.
Anyway, Naomi got here five minutes before I did. We walked down together, as it's not far from my place, and I waited outside whiles NayNay walked in.
Outside, I ran into Richard. Here is what happened:
"Katie?" I heard a voice to my right, as I was checking my phone.
"Richard... Hey." I smiled, looking up at him, putting my phone away. "Wasn't expecting to see you here."
"Thought I'd grab a coffee. Are you waiting for someone?" Richard smiled. He was so nice, so why was I so...
"Uh, no. I'm about to go inside the Coffee Bean. I'm meeting a guy." I told him, pointing up at the café.
"Oh, right." Richard nodded. He looked a little sad, but he shook it off.
"I've not seen you in a while." It's been four days. Where have you been?!
"I was working. My band got some studio time, so we've been recording our songs." Richard seemed so proud about that.
"Emigrate! Right. I've been so busy, I've not got round to that, yet." I made a mental note to listen to his band, as soon as.
"Thought you said you were unemployed?" Richard teased.
"Rude." I nudged him. "I was out with Roxy, yesterday. You've not really met her yet, have you?"
Richard shook his head. "Only when I asked to see you."
"Right." I couldn't help, but smile at him. "You should come round, some time. We can get to know each other."
"I like the sound of that. You shouldn't keep your date waiting." Richard pointed out.
"Not a date. I'm just getting a coffee." I pointed out.
"Sounds like a date." Man he had some balls!
Richard winked at me, then carried on his way.

Back to where we are now:
"Don't suppose you have a blonde haired friend, with a fake moustache do you?" Jordon asked, looking behind me.
"Oh no..." I turned around. Naomi was peeking up from behind her magazine, with a fake moustache on. She caught us looking and ducked down. "I'm not really sorry about her. I love her. She's one of my best friends, just making sure you're not trying to pull anything."
"No, worries. She seems like a good friend. What are you ordering?" Jordon asked.
"A latte. Thanks." I smiled.
Jordon got up to order, but stopped by Naomi's table. He spoke to her, she said something, then Jordon went to the counter.
Naomi looked up at me, laughing. She pulled out her phone and sent me a text.

NayNay: He just took my order! *Laughing face*

I laughed out loud and gave Naomi the middle finger, getting one back.
I started to think about Richard. Christoph said I should just open up to him, as a friend. That might be easier, if I had my friends there with me. I'd feel better... Maybe.
Within five minutes, Jordon paid and returned with the coffees, stopping by Naomi's table to give her, hers.
"She's nice." Jordon smiled, handing me my coffee.
"Thanks. She is certainly something." I laughed, taking a sip of my coffee after. "She's my date for Valentines day."
"Ah. Girls night." Jordon smiled, sitting back down.
"Yeah. We're both single and it's a tradition, between me and my friends, if any of us are single on V-Day we get together and watch The Lost Boys. Great film." I smiled.
"The Lost Boys is an interesting choice." Jordon thought about it.
"We're interesting people!" I argued, smiling.
"OK. Tell me... Why did you really come up to me, in the store?" Jordon seeming very interested.

"Right! So, Roxy, my roommate and best friend, fuck Naomi, her boyfriend said I have a defensive wall built up and Roxy suggested I talk to you, to try and bring it down. You were just happened to be in the same area we were, when she got the idea. It sounds so messy, but let me explain! We all have those embarrassing moments in life, right?" I started.
"Yes. I once sat at the wrong table, on a bind date. We both thought we got stood up." Jordon replied.
"Well, fuck. Poor you." I gasped at his short story. He laughed it off. "Well, I'm living in this life that is one moment after another. I met this guy, right... So, he's moved into our apartment building and he seems like a great guy, but when I first met him, I walked into his door, whacking my nose, then when I was leaving, I leaned back on his door and he opened it-"
"And you fell in... That really sucks, Katie. Have you seen him since?" Jordon was genuinely interested.
"Yeah, and he seems to want to actually get to know me, but I just... I'm not giving him straight answers. I'm like... Just talking and I don't know what to do. He seems like a nice guy and I would like to be friends with him, but I have this wall built up..." I explained.

"It sounds to me, you like this guy. Tell me about your last relationships?" Jordon asked, trying to help me.
"Not had one. Never been with anyone before... I'm twenty six and I've never been with anyone. All my friends have, but Naomi was once with this guy, when I was going through a deep depression. NayNay was taking care of me and the guy just broke up with her, ;cause her attention was focused on me."
"That's not your fault. That guy couldn't deal with the fact Naomi has a heart, where her friends come first. That is not your fault. You seem to be talking to me alright, so you should get to know this new guy. Just be true and honest." Jordon smiled.
"Yeah, but you make it sound like I'm gonna be spending the rest of my life with him." I frowned.
"You're not spending your life with him." Jordon chuckled. "Why don't you invite him to yours for dinner? It's not a date."
"But it sounds like one." I mumbled.
"You and Naomi are going on a date, but you're not making it a thing. Not all dates are couple-y-romantic ones." Jordon smiled. "This for example. Your body language was telling me, when you came over for the poll, that you wanted to leave. Your feet were pointed away from me, and your body was twisted back towards your friend, indicating you just wanted to go. She gave a hopeful look in our direction, watching us talk, so I took a chance and asked if you wanted to get coffee. You're not the first person to ever approach me with something random like that to help get over anxiety or nerves."
"Huh." I was impressed.

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