Chapter 16 - Desperation Day - Pt. 3

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Christoph's P.O.V

"Hello! I'm just double checking my reservation. The name's Christoph Schneider." I tried to be as polite as I could, down the phone. Today was too much for me.
I sat at my office, hiding from my co-workers, on the phone. Everything needed to be perfect tomorrow.
"Reservation for Herr Schneider, at seven o'clock, February fourteenth. In the back lounge." The lady got back to me, after making me wait.
"Sorry, at seven, did you say?" I asked. That's not the time I asked.
"Yes, seven o'clock, in the back lounge." I could hear her smile.
"I asked for a table at six! We have tickets for Broadway at 07:30. I asked for a table at six!" I argued.
"I'm sorry, Herr Schneider, but we have you down for seven." The lady replied.
"Cancel it." I said, hanging up. I ran a hand over my face and leaned back in my chair. "This is not happening..."
I loosened my tie and tapped my fingers on the armrests.
Where can I take Roxy? Everywhere will be booked. This is a nightmare.

I looked at the picture I had of Roxy and me, on my desk. It was such an American thing to have, but Roxy gave the picture to me, when I first got my job here. I was the head of the planning department, after working my way up. The company, Lindemann Co., was a German business dealing within many businesses and all the boring stuff.
Some would call it a 'snooze fest', but it's great pay. Means I can spoil my Engel.

I tapped my fingers, looking at the picture. I gave up my whole life, just to be with her. I don't regret a second of it. We've been together four years, but we've known each other for six. 
A holiday in Russia. We were both on the same landmarks tour and we kept eyeing each other. Eventually, mid tour, I started talking to Roxy, but the tour ended before I could get her number or anything. Somehow I lost sight of her, but her friend, who happened to be Katie, was standing by, with Naomi. I asked Katie for her number and she actually gave it to me, to my surprise. Anyway, two days later I called Roxy and we were talking on the phone, almost, everyday.
Things started to get serious, but we couldn't see each other, as much as we liked. Yes, I flew to New York, to see her, and she flew out to Germany, to see me, from time to time, but we both wanted more. Then, I made the decision to move here. New York City.
My parents weren't too pleased, but after living here for a year, me and Roxy went to Germany to visit my parents. They got to know Roxy and now they just love her. She's my world.
"Think, Christoph..." I whispered to myself.
Maybe I could cook for her... Bring her back to my place, make a meal... Her favourite! Vegetable risotto. She loves that. Get our favourite wine, candle lit dinner, play some music in the background.
It's not the restaurant I promised, but I know Roxy wont mind. Her and I only want to be with each other. I should buy her something...

I sat up and opened the internet, on my computer. I typed in Riedel and clicked on the site. Riedel, run by Oliver Riedel, again, German, was a jeweller. A very famous and popular one. High in demand. Only the rich could buy from this man.
I searched the earrings, but wasn't satisfied. Roxy needed something that was only for her. I looked at the necklaces and smiled. Third item down. Cost: $3,798.
A silver, diamond necklace, in a web-like shape. It was perfect. She loves all things Halloween and spooky, although, both her and Katie hate spiders, so when they see one, Roxy literally calls me. It's cute, but don't tell her I said that.
I clicked the 'pay and collect' and typed in my details. I shut off my computer and grabbed my jacket. I left my desk and switched my office light off.
"Megan, I'm leaving. See you Thursday." I walked passed my secretary.
"Have a good night, Herr Schneider." She replied, typing on her computer.
I technically had two hours of my work day left, but I had nothing to do, except read emails, so...

I took the elevator to the car park and went straight to my car, driving myself to the closest Riedel's. There were two in New York. The brand was worldwide.
I parked as close as I could, a block away, welcome to New York, and made my way to the store. 'Grab the necklace, go home, check my food supply, clean my apartment, explain to Roxy the change of plan'. Perfect.

I walked in and went straight to the counter.
"Hi, can I help you?" A young gentleman asked. Probably the same age as me, twenty seven.
"I made an order online. Christoph Schneider." I smiled.
"Hold on one moment." The man smiled, walking over to the computer in the corner.
I waited exactly seven minutes, before the man came back, with a black velvet box. He opened it and showed me.
"Perfect." I smiled.
"I'm glad. Valentine's day?" He asked, putting the lid on the box.
"Of course." I chuckled, as he placed the necklace in a bag.
"And you paid online. Have a good day." The man smiled, handing me the bag.
"Thank you." I smiled, leaving the store.
I held the bag, with my life. If I lost this, it's game over. Katie once said 'It takes one bad day to create a murderer'. Today may be my day.
First we lose a deal, then the printers shut down, another deal backed down, but we got them back, only losing $10,000 dollars on them, and I've been stuck in three different meetings.
I'm stressed, tired, done, and in need of a drink. I got myself home, within an hour, welcome to New York, and went straight for my wine rack, next to my fridge. I placed Roxy's necklace on my kitchen table and took another look at it.
It was perfect.

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