Chapter 34 - Be Honest

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Katie's P.O.V

I sat on the roof of Richard's car, as he stood by my legs, leaning against it.
We watched as Christoph and Roxy arrived, parking up, facing Richard's car.
I stayed with Richard the whole night and... Well, you don't need to know... He's more then nice to look at.

"Morning!" Roxy smiled, walking over.
I jumped off the roof and gave her a hug. "Morning." I replied.
"Thanks." She gave me my phone back.
"You two good?" I asked, sliding it in my pocket.
"Yeah. We've talked it out. No more jokes like that." Roxy looked back at Christoph, as Richard greeted him.
"What was it about? He was pissed." I asked. "You look awesome, by the way!"

Roxy wore an all white outfit. Skinny jeans, with two black belts, a top, with some orange and black on it, with her black boots.
I wore my grey skinny jeans, white converse, black Need For Speed tank top, my black sleeveless Vengeance University jacket, and my burgundy beanie.

"Thank you! And he said it was about us moving in. He has a surprise planned for me. Also, I'm moving out after the wedding." Roxy broke it to me.
I nodded. "It's OK."
She smiled and we hugged again.
"I have to get in. You coming?" Roxy asked, holding my shoulders, as we broke out the hug.
"Waiting for-"
"I'M HERE!" Naomi ran over, with Bonnie.
"WE'RE here!" Bonnie laughed.

We smiled and had a group hug.
"OI!" We heard Archie, making us look towards the main doors. "COME ON!" He waved us over.
"Let's go!" Bonnie smiled, taking my arm.
We all ran towards the building and we all checked in, on the V.I.P list.

"The last meeting is upstairs, in five minutes. Girls, you need to be there." Archie started. "Give me the checks, or whatever, I'll cash 'em in."
Christoph and Richard pulled out their checks, but me and Bonnie grabbed them first.
"$20,000?" I looked at Christoph's.
"Whoa! $2,000?" Bonnie gasped.
"It's from my band. We're not Metallica." Richard chucked.
"Better then nothing. The most you'll get from Debs is $500." Archie took the checks from us.
"Debs?" I looked at Archie.
"What's that?" NayNay asked, looking at the meeting room door, but talking to us.

"You'll meet him! Relax!" Archie smiled, turning her head to our little circle. "Debs is my enemy. They're the mechanics from Italy."
"Oh!" We all nodded.
"Final meeting starting in one minute. Drivers, mechanics, photographers, models, announcers, and members of the press, please come to room 107. That's 107, for those who were talking." An announcer called out.
"Oh. New guy. I like him." Roxy smiled, as we listened.

"We'll meet you four downstairs. Go get some drinks. Race doesn't start until eleven, you can meet Paul soon." Archie smiled, placing a hand on Naomi's shoulder.
"See you!" I waved to them.
"Later!" Bonnie hugged me.
We split up and went our ways.

Christoph bought us the first round of drinks and we sat on the sofas inside, downstairs, over looking the track.
"So, this is Need For Speed?" Richard asked, sat next to me.
"Yes! It's the best rally race. They used to do it on the streets, but some shit happened, so now they got it on a race track, but you can see all the cars outside." Naomi smiled.
"It's impressive - and they no longer do it on the streets, 'cause the public were being stupid. Now, it's a course laid out." Christoph smiled.

You can't see the whole course, just the start of it. It's a rally race, for fucks sake. It's dangerous.
There are, however, TV's and big screens everywhere, to watch.

As we waited for our friends, we heard people coming in and out the building. Every time the doors opened, you could hear the fans talking and shouting.
Didn't want to rub in my early access, but...
"Ha, ha, fuckers!" I gave a middle finger to the main door.
"You're so mean!" Naomi laughed at me.
"Early access. You're the same." I smiled at her, to which she nodded.

. . .

"Right! Into the pit!" Archie walked down the stairs.
We all got up, Bonnie and Roxy waved to us, as they followed the models, and we followed Archie.
"Was he there?" Naomi asked.
"Yes. I told him I had friends who wanted to meet him and he's looking forward to it." Archie smiled, wrapping an arm around her.
We all smiled and walked outside.

The sun hit us and it was so nice. We walked all the way to the pit, with all the other mechanics and teams. People greeted Archie and introduced themselves to us, we met the rest of Archie's crew, finding out he was lead mechanic, personally chosen by Paul Landers, in the meeting.

We got to Paul Landers' bay and the crew got to grips with the place. There were six men in every bay. All for one car.
Cars were arriving within fifteen minutes, according to Archie.
The bays were like garages, but without the doors. They were just open. There were TV's and a sofa inside, at the back, so we could all watch the race.
A table was on the left with loads of tools on it, a fridge in the back, with lots of lighting. It was pretty epic.

"Cars coming in fifteen, boys. Remember no pressure. Get the TV on." Archie smiled, getting his old overalls on. He left them hanging on his hip, so his arms were out. It was a hot ass day.
He didn't mind getting dirty, he loved his job.

"I'm so exited." I smiled, looking over the tools.
"Make yourselves at home. This is it, until eleven." Archie smiled at us all.
Christoph lay on the sofa and Richard sat on the armrest, just chilling out. They were getting along perfectly.

I stayed with Naomi, as she looked around. There was a helmet on a shelf and she was looking at it.
"That's it." Archie stood next to her.
"His helmet?" Naomi asked.
"Yeah. The ones he's gonna wear. I've been here, with him, since six, this morning. He put it up there." Archie smiled.
"I can't wait." She whispered, almost crying.
"Awe!" I hugged her from behind. "Love you."
"Love you too!" She turned around and hugged me properly.

"Roxy and Lisa, you two are in here!" A woman walked by, dropping off Roxy and another woman.
"Oh, hey!" I smiled.
"Hey!" Roxy hugged me and Naomi.
"Glad you made it!" Christoph called out.
"Oh, trust you two to go for the sofa!" Roxy laughed, looking in the back.
"Lisa, my best friends and boyfriend. Katie, Naomi, Richard, and Christoph." Roxy pointed us all out, as Lisa waved to us.
"And this is Archie. The-"
"Leading mechanic. Personally chosen by Paul Landers, himself." Archie bowed to Lisa, making us laugh.
"Bonnie is on her way. She's all set and we're all done. Is he here yet?" Roxy asked, hopeful, looking around the garage.
"He's officially on his way." One of Archie's crew called out.
"Ah!" Naomi grabbed Archie's hand.

All Seven Of The Deadly Sins (Richard Z Kruspe Fan Fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant