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R Y D E R ' S   P O V

I woke up to a small ticklish feeling, I realised it could only be one person.


She traced my lips slowly with the pad of her small soft index finger, she then moved down to my jawline with the same light movements. She was being so gentle, like if she put any pressure down on the spots, she touched they would fade away or maybe she just simply didn't want to wake me up.

Shit Ryder you're so soft, What's wrong with you man?

Flo continued to trace my face and then move on to loosely playing with my hair, while I was pretending to be asleep, I didn't want her to stop I loved the way her fingers felt gliding across my face and combing through my silky dark hair.

This seemed to have gone on for what seemed like an hour but was probably only a mere ten minutes. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with tan skin and short blonde hair.

"Morning flower." I said with and obvious morning voice.

"Morning Ry." She said with a slight morning voice, it was so sexy and cute.

"Wait, Ry?" I asked a little to harshly.

She never calls me any nickname, well unless she's mimicking Jade by saying 'Ry Ry' which I absolutely hate being called. But 'Ry'? It's simple and cute, it's not cringy like snookums or sweetie pie.

I would know that both of those nicknames are the worst, I used to hook up with this chick called Isabella or maybe it was Arabella I'm not sure but either way she called me those nicknames and it made me want to vomit but she knew what she was doing in bed so I ignored it until I got sick of her.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"What did you call me?" I asked teasing her. Something I definitely enjoyed doing, whenever she gets nervous, she starts to stutter and she bites her lip which she does without noticing how hot she looks doing it.

"I didn't call you anything." Flo said blushing.


"No no, I'm pretty sure I heard you say something." I smirked as I wrapped my arms around her waist and resting my head on her chest again.

"You need hearing aids then." She laughed snuggling into me.

"Nah flower you just need to stop trying to deny that you called me R-" I said but got cut off half way.

"Fine just Shut up." Flo said rolling her eyes hazel eyes.

"Oh, my lord! Did The Flo Adams just swear?" I teased even more.

"N-no." She said nervously.

"I think you did." I smirked as she bites her lip.

"That's not a swear word Ryder." She said rolling her eyes while playing with my hair again.

"Yes, it is." I laughed.

"No it isn't." Flo said stubbornly.

"Fine fine, you win." I said giving in, which never happens.

"What's today?" She asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I believe its Monday." I said not caring it could possibly be a school day.

"Oh my, we have school! I can't be late!" She said trying to wriggle out of my arms, keyword 'try'.

"Can't we just stay here." I whined like a child as I held her tighter in my arms.

"No come on Ryder, we hardly went last week we are going to be so behind." She said sternly, something that doesn't happen often.

"Ugh we better hurry then." I said rolling my eyes.

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