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We went back inside and closed the front door. "Thank you Finn. I don't know what I would do without you." I said. Finn smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Then we went to the sofa and sat down.

Jack cam down the stairs and yawned. "Good morning guys." he said. He seemed like he was very happy. "Hey Jack. What's the plan for today?" I asked him. I looked to Finn and he looked very mad or jealous. I couldn't tell. "I don't know. I mean Steve isn't here anymore. He's muscular mans are also gone." he said. "What's with my mum?" I asked. "Looks like she's gone too." he said. "I'll go eat something." Jack said and went to the kitchen. I looked to Finn. He smiled again.

"I feel so weird. One month ago my mum was still in my house with me and everything was normal. And now...." I said and looked down. "Hey." Finn said and pushed up my chin with his index finger, "your mum is a monster and you don't need her. And if something happens, then I'll be the one who protects you." he smiled at me. I looked into his eyes and smiled again.

Jack came back and stared at us. "I'm sorry for this again but I have a girl coming over. Her name is Lia and please be nice to her." he said. "Of course. When will she be here?" I asked him. "In a few minutes." he said. "Good you don't want my girlfriend anymore." Finn said. I turned around and looked at him. He called me girlfriend. I smiled and turned back to Jack. "I'll be nice to her." I said and smiled. "Great. Thank you Grace." Jack said and went to the front door.

I felt happy. It was still a little bit awkward with him but sometimes it was ok. He aas a great friend. "Well I think he changed his mind after he saw you naked." Finn said and laughed. "I wasn't naked. And excuse me." I nudged Finn. "Just kidding." he said and laughed. I turned back around and looked outside the windows. "By the way I like your bra." he whispered into my ear and started laughing then. "You're such a dirty mind boy Finn Wolfhard." I said and laughed too.

I heard someone coming i side the house because I heard the front door and voices. We turned around and Jack and a girl came in. The girl had beautiful brown hair and blue eyes. Her eyes looked like the ocean. Her lips were a little bit pink and she was skinny and tall. She was a dream girl for a guy.

I uncertainly looked to Finn but he looked normal. "Guys this is Lia." Jack said. "Hey, I'm Lia." she said. She sounded a little bit weird. Like she only pretended to be a nice girl. "I'm Grace. Nice to meet you." I said. She just frowned and went to Finn. "Hey. What's your name?" she asked him. I looked at Finn and back to Lia. This girl acted already weird. Finn looked at me. "I-I'm Finn." he said then. "I'll go show her the house guys." Jack said and they both went upstairs.

"She's weird." I said to Finn. "Kinda." he just said. I folded my arms in front of my chest and looked at Finn. "Are you jealous?" Finn asked and smirked. "N-No....o-of course not." I said. That was a lie. I was jealous. This girl was weird and I didn't like weird girls. "Come on I know you. You're acting weird. You're jealous." he said. "I'm not..." I sighed, "maybe a little bit." I said then. "Do you really think I like her now? I'm not a playboy. You're my soulmate Grace. You're my girlfriend." he said. I smiled. "You called me girlfriend for the second time now." I said. "Oh that's not the last time you'll hear it." he said and smiled. I smiled back.

I stood up and upstairs. Then I went to Finn and my room. I sat down on our bed and played with my hair. At this moment Lia came in. "Excuse me?" I said. "Oh sorry. I guess that's not the bathroom." she said in a bitchi voice. "No it isn't!" I said and raised my voice. "What's your problem?" she asked. "I could ask the same thing." I said and folded my arm in front if my chest. She just went downstairs. "What a bitch." I said to myself.

I looked outside for a while but then I went back downstairs. I stopped after I saw Finn talking with Lia. I could see she was flirting with him. I don't know what he did but what I knew was that this was my boyfriend she was flirting with. I waited until she stopped talking with him. She went into the kitchen. I followed her.

"Excuse me?" I said, "Finn is my boyfriend." She looked at me like nothing happened. "What do you mean sweetie? she said in a bitchi voice. "You know what I mean. You were flirting with my boyfriend." I said and raised my voice. "Oh you know what....I don't care." she said. "Listen to me, don't mess with me. I'm not playing this. He's my boyfriend and I'm going to protect what is mine." I said and went outside the kitchen. I was so mad.

I went to the front door and opened it. I smelled the nature and the flowers. That calmed me down. "Lia is not going to get Finn. He's my boyfriend. What is her plan?" I thought to myself. What was going on with this weird girl? She was only here for a few hours and was already weird. I decided not to tell the others about it. "Finn would think I'm just jealous." I thought to myself again.

I went back inside and closed the front door.

1004 words

Time to protect what is mine ;)

𝐈𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 💵Where stories live. Discover now