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It was now 1pm. The whole time I was in the bathroom. I took a bath. Now I was back in the living room. I didn't know where Finn was. I sat on the sofa and stood up. I decided to look for Finn. He needed to tell me what's going on with him.

"Finn?" I yelled.


"Finn where are you?" I yelled again. Again nothing. I started to search for him. I went to the kitchen, to the bathroom. I went to every room and looked for him. The last room I checked was our room. He was not in there. Where the hell was he? There was nothing. I went down again and screamed his name again. But no one responded. I started to worry.

The last thing I decided to look at was the front door. I ran to the front door and opened it. The rain pattered to the floor and there were big grey clouds over me. "Finn!" I screamed again. Nothing. I bit my lip and looked around. "He wouldn't leave me like this." I thought to myself. I went back inside and searched for his phone or a letter. But he wouldn't just leave me here alone right?

I went back to the living room and looked under the sofa and under the pillows. There was nothing. I looked under the carpet, und the table. There was nothing. I went to the kitchen and did the same thing. Then I went to our room. I looked under the pillows and under the blankets of our bed and there was something. A piece of paper. I stopped for a moment and took the paper. Then I said down on the bed. I slowly opened the paper and saw immediately it was Finn's handwriting. It was a letter:

Dear Grace
I'm sorry I'm to scared to talk to you in person. I mean about all this. I just thought a lot about everything. Grace I'm sorry for all this. You've been through everything. Really everything. I can't imagine how you feel. Your mum, your dad, your old life, Jack......all this. You almost died. It hurt me to see you like this. Suffering from everything. I thought about all this. How you should continue like this. I know your life is a mess. And this all happened because of one thing. Me. It all happened because you met me. If you had not met me, this all would not have happened. Maybe it wasn't dump. I couldn't handle it to see you every day and you didn't even know who I was. With your beautiful hair and your beautiful full lips. With these soft eyes. That's why you met me. Because I wanted you to meet me. I'm so sorry Grace. But I love you to much to see you like this. It hurts. We don't belong together. I'm not good for you Grace. It's my fault. This is all happening because of me. It's probably not the best idea to leave you but without me you're safer. I'm sorry this all had to happened. And I wish I could make you feel good again. I'm sorry. Today was the last time you saw me. I won't come back. It hurts to much. I love you Grace. I'll always love you. And that's why I go.

I felt my heart falling down to my feet. Tears fell down my cheeks. He left me. All alone. He left me because he thinks I'm safer without him. I slowly laid down the letter and stood up. I went to the door.

I took my phone and tried to call him. It was always his mailbox. "Come on Finn." I said with tears in my eyes. He wouldn't leave me like this. But he did. I ran to the front door and opened it. Then I ran outside. I ran to the woods. He couldn't be far away. He just couldn't. I had to find him. I had to tell him I wouldn't be safe without him.

I was totally wet because the rain was still pretty hard. But I didn't care. All I thought about was Finn. I couldn't loose him. He was all I had. He promised me he wouldn't leave. He broke his promise.

The forest floor was mushy and disgusting. It was hard for me not to fall. I ran and screamed Finn's name. I didn't know where I was running to and I didn't know the way. But I had to find Finn. I ran and wiped the water out of my eyes. My eyes burned. My heart was racing and my breath went very fast. I knew I had to stop in a few seconds or I would fall to the ground. I stopped after a few more steps and tried to breath normal. I screamed Finn's name, Although I knew he wouldn't hear me. I looked around. The woods looked very threatening in this light. There was now sun and the clouds were almost black. I couldn't see right. I was wet from my head down to my heels. And I was exhausted.

I walked a few more steps, still screaming Finn's name. But after a few minutes my voice was gone. I couldn't even talk. I was dirty and wet and now my voice was gone too. Great. I stopped at a tree and laid down there. The floor was dirty but I didn't care. I tried to calm down and maybe sleep a little bit. It would help me. I would continue searching for Finn after a little bit sleep. But I wouldn't go back home. I needed to find Finn even if it takes my life.

After a few minutes I fell asleep.

967 words

I'm sorry. I just feel depressed right now. Yeah :/

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