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I said back at Jack's sofa. Jack and Finn stood in front of me. "Guys....there's something we need to talk about. Something very important." I said and looked up. They both looked down to me and frowned. "Lia found out what my phone number is. She'll come back." I said. They both looked at each other. "I-I'm scared." I said, "I-I want this all to be over." I said and felt little tears in my eyes. Finn sat down next to me and took my hand. "We'll look for it. Everything will be alright." Finn said. Jack nodded.

"Calm down ok. We'll make this. Nothing is going to happen." Jack said. "I'm not afraid about me. I'm afraid something could happen to you guys." I said. I buried my face into Finn's chest and tried not to cry. He stroked my head. "Hey everything will be alright. Nothing will happen to us. I promise" Finn said  in a soft voice.

Finn went upstairs with me. We went to our room. "I'm sorry Grace. I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to live like that. I wanted you to have a home." Finn said and ran his through my hair. "It's ok Finn. I-I have a're my home. And that's why I don't want to loose you." I said and looked down. Finn pushed up my chin with his index finger. "You're not going to loose me. I promise." he said. Then he stood up and went to the door. I also stood up.

"I want you to stay here. We don't know when Lia is going to be here but I think it'll happen soon enough." Finn said. "Be careful." I said and hugged him. He smiled and leaned down to give me a soft kiss. Then he closed the door and went down.

I sat down on the bed and started to think about the things that could happen to them. Not the best idea.

After a long long time, it was already a little bit darker outside, I heard things from downstairs. Things I didn't like to hear. Loud noises. I went to the door and put my ear on the keyhole. I heard talking.

It was a long time of talking and talking. I started to worry. "Should I go downstairs?" I thought to myself. I put my hand on the door handle and hesitated. Then I slowly pushed down the door handle and opened the door. I didn't even hear myself. I sneaked to the banisters and looked down.

I couldn't see much. But I heard the voices of Finn, Jack and........Lia. I knew it. She was down there. "Where is she?" I heard Lia's bitchi  voice. The fact that she talked about me gave me goosebumps. "You can wait long for this answer." Jack said. "That's the last time. Either you tell me where she is or one of you, maybe two, have to die!" she said and raised her voice.

It was quite for a moment. Then I heard some footsteps. "If you walk one more step you're going to die. Now tell me where she is!" Lia said again. "No!" I heard Finn's voice. I heart a click of a gun. "Well then say goodbye to your life." Lia said.

I couldn't hear this anymore. I knew someone would die down there. I was shaking. I went down the stairs and stooped at the last step. All eyes went in my direction. "I'm here!" I said. I knew this time I was the one who had to fight. Or to die. But I couldn't risk another life. People are dead because of me. People were hurt because of me. That was now over. Now was my turn.

"There you are. Now stay where you are." Lia said and smirked. Then she pointed the gun to my head. Finn and Jack stood there with big eyes. But then Jack started running to me and Finn started running to Lia. All went so fast. I heard a scream from Lia. And then a shot. I looked down. I didn't realize what happened.

On the floor where Lia was, was now Lia but dead. Her eyes were still open. And there was blood on the white carpet. Finn stood there with the gun. And then a few meters in front of me.....there was Jack. Jack.

He was there but.....there was blood. And his gun was not in his hand anymore. And he was on the floor. But he was not the Jack I knew. He was dead.

I stood there. I was shocked. I looked to Finn who was also shocked. Then I fell on my knees and tried to pick Jack up. Tear fell dowm my cheek. "Jack! Wake up!" I said. Finn ran to me. "Jack!" he said. He touched his head. I felt on his chest. His heart wasn't pounding anymore. "His heart.......he's dead." I said. I broke down in tears. My world was broken. My heart fell down to my feet. I laid my head down on his chest. His dead chest. I cried. My whole world was now broken down. He was my only friend. I just had him and Finn. And now he was dead too.

My dad, the rest of my family, my old life, Jack....that was all I lost in the last month. "F-F-Finn......I-I can't....." I tried to say but I couldn't. I saw Finn was also crying a little bit. "He was my best friend." I said. Finn picked me up and hugged me. I cried on his shoulder. He stroked my back. I knew I had to calm down a little bit. It wasn't good for me. But my whole world was a mess. "F-F-Finn.......I can't do that....." I said. "I know Grace." he said. "I need him and I need you. I need you." I said. "I won't leave you." he said. We both stayed like that for a while. Why always me?

1016 words

I know to emotionally :|

𝐈𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 💵Where stories live. Discover now