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New P.o.v.

Whole 3 hours later my alarm clock started ringing. And unfortunatly I felt like I'd visited a party the whole night.

Anyways, I had to get ready for work.
So I showered, ate breakfast and already heard Tay parking in front of my house. I took my bag and ran to him.

" Good morning earlybird. Did you sleep well?"

" Don't even speak to me." He mumbled in a sleepy voice.
I knew he wasn't serious.

Arriving at the set we practised our scenes and spoke about how our acting could be more authentic even tho it was already quiet good.

We filmed a few clips and ate lunch with the other actors and staff members.

After that, Tay had a scene alone with one of the other actors. I stood behind the camera, watching them playing thier roles. When Tay looked in my direction I smiled at him but he blinked and messed up his lines.

" Cuuut!"

The director shouted.

" Tay! What was that?"

He asked confused. He expected us to always know our lines. That's why we got nominated as best actors in our genre a few years ago.

" I don't know. I'll try again."

Tay said and they started again.

I smiled again when our eyes met in another scene and he messed up his lines again.

" Again?" The director shouts.

" I am sorry, can I have a little break?"

Tay asked and the director agreed.
He gave him 10 minutes.

" Are you nuts?" Tay asked angrily after running to me.

" Me? Never! Why would I?"

" Quit smiling at me already! I can't stop messing up my lines when you look at me like that!" He shouts.

" Okay. Okay. I was just smiling because you did so well before you messed up your sentences. I won't stay in your sight okay?"

He agreed and was able to film the whole scene without a mistake while I was watching from a little bit futher away.
After they finished the scenes he came up to me.

I smiled at him again and teased

" Missed my smile?"

But Tay glared angrily at me.

" I hate you. I'll hate you forever for that!"

" You could never hate me!
You love me!"
I answered amused.

" Don't underestimate me New Thitipoom!"

He shouted hunting me while I was laughing and running away from him.

Cosmogyral / TaynewWhere stories live. Discover now