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New P.o.v.

Today was the last day of dating Fon.

I had promised Tay that I would free myself from her so he could be the one Fon has always been for me.

Until now!

I didn't want him to be more hurt than he already was but I also wanted to explain to Fon,

so he agreed when I asked him for a very last day with her.

We met at the park, where we once spend almost all of our time so happily together.

Now it was like seeing an old friend for the very last time before starting something new.

We have known each other since we were kids and had a very strong bond.

Just not like lovers do.

I took her hand while we were walking down a little hill.

" Tell me something I still
don't know about you."

She asked me while we were walking hand in hand on our way through the park. It was our ussual past time. A quick game to give each other weird facts and trivals.

'What could I possibly have said, she didn't already know about me?'

" I don't love you anymore..."

I stood still, waiting for her reaction.

I took a quick glance at her,
expecting her to be in shock or angry, but instead she just had this sad smile in her eyes and contiued walking, pulling me with her.

" Tell me something I still don't know."

She repeated herself, holding my hand even tighter this time.

Confused I blinked while thinking about her last sentence. 


'How can she react like this? How can she stay so calm? Did she really already know?

At least she's also an actress and she could easily play a role.'

She must have seen my confused face because after a while of looking at me she suddenly continued to speak.

"My biggest fear isn't loosing you to someone else Newwie."

She smiled.

" I always had a feeling Tay and you were more than just friends.."

She realized while staring at the landscape. She took a deep breath before continuing.

" ..and somehow..
I had managed to live with that."

She smiled at me once again when I stood in shock.

" You always had a feeling but never told me?"

I objected in surprise.

" New.."

She said while pulling me to the bank standing right beside me. Then she looked me straight in the eyes.

" My biggest fear is that some day,
you won't see me like you do now.

You'll start to see my flaws. Not only my crooked nose or my chapped lips. You'll think about my random spouts
of jealousy and the fact that I talk too much. You'll remember how annoying it was when I was selfish.

And that then.. one day.. you come to the conclusion that for no particular reason, you don't love me anymore.
So it's better to just walk away now, because of someone else. But please remember me the way you see me
now. "

I smiled because I understood.

We didn't need to talk about it
and I didn't need to respond.

What she said already cleared the bond between us, creating a beautiful ending to a beautiful beginning.

I stood up and softly
let go of her hand.

I knew this was
the moment I needed to go.

" Goodbye."

I said, keeping the warmth
of her heart in mine.

" Goodbye."

She said one last time before I left her sitting there in the sunshine;

In the park;

At our first and last place
together as a couple....

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