* When You Least Expect It *

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When I was young, my grandma told me that you can be with someone for years and never truly know what real love feels like. And that was my thinking for years. Always negative about love. 

But someday I met a special someone. 

And after a while I realized my grandma may have been right all along but there is also the kind of love you fall into after only a few weeks spent with someone who you notice to literally redefines what it means to be happy. 

Love doesn't always fit into a timeframe.

And that was also true for Tay and New. 

Both had known each other for a long time until they finally were able to discover what love feels like...


While laying on my bed and listening to some old ballads I realized how time has changed everything in my life.

Suddenly I felt Newwie falling down next to me, pulling out one of my headphones and putting it in his own ear.

"Hey!"  I shouted and furrowed my eyebrows.

Newwie quickly put the earphone out of his ear.

"Krrr..what's that? Have you become so soft now that you have me?" 

He joked but then took my phone and switched to Jazz.

" Do you hear that? " He asked.

I just stared angrily at him.

" It's my music taste being better than yours!"  He grinned like an idiot. 

" COME HERE YOU LITTLE RASCAL! " I shouted once again, this time taking his head under my ellbow so he couldn't flee. 

We faught a little but laughed after a while and hugged each other.

" I wish we could always be like that..." Newwie mumbled. 

That was true. I also wished we could tell everyone. 

I don't know why but a few weeks ago our agency has cancled our contracts. So we - officially - weren't actors anymore. They said we broke the rules of being in a relationship.

Newwie was not less destroyed then I was but we promised each other to search for a better agency and soon to continue with our work as actors. For now, we had some free time together. 

He rested with his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. 

" You know I love you right?" 

" Yes I know Newwie." I smiled. These days he told me many times that he loves me. 

" Do you love me back?" He asked, opening one eye to see my expression.

I haven't been able to say those 3 words because I was to afraid that if I spoke it out he would soon have enough of me and don't love me anymore. So I'd rather show my love to him. 

" Do you?" He insisted. 

" Yes..." I already knew he wanted to hear the sentence when he ordered me me to spell it out for him. 

But I couldn't. 

Everytime I tried to say it the words just wouldn't come out of my mouth and I begun sweating. 

" Fine! " He hissed while standing up. 

" If you don't say it I will leave!" He announced, waiting for me to say this simple 3 words. 

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