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!!! This chapter contains sexual actions - If you don't like to read that please skip this chapter !!!

Tay P.o.v.

Later that night we laid together in my bed, watching some Instagram as he suddenly began to snuffle.

I peered at his screen and saw a picture of his ex in Hawaii.

" She looks so gorgerous.." He whined.

" What the..Why do you still have her Instagram? "

I shouted angrily and took his phone away as I searched for some sexy models before I gave it back to him.

" Look at them! Now you know what's gorgerous!" I laughed.

He agreed.

We spend half an hour searching for sexy pictures in the internet.
I won't lie, the pictures made me a little bit hard and as I saw New's hand slipping under the blanket while he looked at those pictures I did the same. After a while I reached my climax and went to the bathroom to clean myself. When I came back in the room I found New who was slightly red under his eyes. Immediatly he looked away.

" Hey, why are you so shy? It's a normal thing to do. Don't worry."

I tried to open the atmosphere but he just hid under the blanket. I pulled the blanket away from his face and saw that he was all red around his nose.

" You are hiding under the blanket because you are blushing?"

I asked, shaking my head and smiling at his cuteness.

" I.. I..can't do i-it myself."

He confessed.

My eyes got big.

" When I do it myself my mind won't just shut up about my ex..."

He whispered.

I understood him.
Actually, really well.
I was in a situation like that before. But the fact that I was not gay was holding me back from helping him, although I knew he needed my help.

" So what do you want to do about that?"

I looked at him already knowing the answere.

He swallowed.

"Could you.." He looked down on his crotch area. " I mean..if it's o-okay for you.. could you..."

He blinked nervously, sweat building on his forehead, running down the side of his head.

Seeing him so helplessly made me feel weak.

" I'll help you" I said monotone.

" But this is a one time thing okay?"

New nodded fastly.

I removed the blanket while he swallowed. We both were extremly tensed but concentrated.

I watched every reaction of him. I didn't want to do anything what he didn't like.

" C-can you not stare at me like that?" He suddenly asked emberassed.

I smiled and and looked not directly at him. I came closer till I felt his heartbeat on my chest. I then let my hand slip in his boxershorts only to feel his stone hard dick.

I wrapped my fingers around it as he closed his eyes. I waited for him to give me a sign but after a while he opened his eyes again looking at me interrogative.

" S-Start?" He mumbled awkwardly. I only looked at him while beginning to jerk him off.

I moved my hand slowly while he closed his eyes again.

His body was drowned in sweat and his expression was undescribable, but let me tell you something, if I was a girl I would have fallen for him right in this moment.

I began to move my hand faster.
New was a total mess right now.
His chest was moving up and down fastly and his breath was hitching. I also got into sweating.

When I stroked his slit with my thump he moand quietly but loud enough for me to hear. Shocked from his own reaction he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"What?" I said, " Does it feel good?"

But he didn't get to answere because he came right in this moment, while moaning my name out loud.

" Finally." I breathed out exhausted and let my body fall next to him.

I noticed him getting up und going fast into the bathroom, but I can't really say what happened next cause at that time I found myself already drifting into a deep nightsleep.

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