Stay Strong

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Three Days Later

It's on tv and newspaper, the story is out. Now everyone knows about me and Jesse's disturbed relationship, and that was pretty much a shock to the whole town. You see, Lima is a very small town, that kind of town that when something happens, everybody knows, everyone knows everyone and it's pretty shocking to everyone that my relationship with Jesse was fake.

Like I've said many times before, Jesse is the king of appearances, outside we were the best couple on Earth, the happiest and in love couple, but our relationship was disturbing and I am so glad that is finally over, I am finally free.

Today is the day I am coming back home after my surgeries six days ago, you must be thinking 'How about glee club?' I didn't talked to any of them, they tried, but now I just need to relax and enjoy time with my dads.

Talking about my dads, I have some exciting news, they're going to stay in Lima!!! Yes!!! They will stop traveling because of the work, they said that after that situation they don't want to let me by myself ever again, they're scared, but I cannot blame them, cause I am scared too, so fucking scared all the time.

I know that Jesse is arrested but I keep having the feeling that I had when we were dating, that he is always watching me, I hope someday I stop feeling that, it's agonizing.

"Hey honey? Ready to go home?" Hiram asked and I woke up from my trance.

"Can't wait!" I said forcing a smile and they smiled big and left the room to finish some paperwork that needs to be finished for me finally be free to go.

When the door closed my smile immediately fell from my face and I look trough the window and for a moment I swear that I saw Jesse St. James out there. I close my eyes and shake my head and when I opened my eyes, he weren't there anymore.

It's just your stupid mind, Rachel. He is not out there, he is in prison, he can't hurt you anymore. I keep saying that to me many many times.

"Okay baby girl, ready to go?" Hiram asked and I forced a smiled and nod.

When I got home, my dads opened the door and before I walk in, I take a deep breathe. This is the place that I saw Jesse for the first time, and it isn't a good memory.

I analyze the living room and I saw that the frame that fell when Jesse hit me against the wall is still all broken on the floor.

"Dads, I'm going to try to take a nap, it's already late and I'm tired." I said wanting to get out of that living room as fast as I can.

"Okay sweetie, good night." Leroy said and kissed my forehead and I weak smiled to them and go upstairs.

While I was going upstairs I could remember I dragging myself trough the floor and stairs to get in my room, little did I knew what would happen after that.

I take a long shower and put on my sweatpants and my sweater, I lay on my bed and tried to sleep but I can't sleep. So I decided to grab my computer and see what is out for everyone.

I grab my laptop and log in my Instagram account, then I go to my last picture that coincidentally is with Jesse, oh gosh.

'Jesse St. James is a monster, he deserves to be punished. Get well soon Rachel!' A girl commented and I small smiled.

'Us girls need to stick together in situations like this, stay strong Rachel, praying for you to get well soon!' Another girl commented and my eyes filled with tears, it's comforting to see how many people that I never talked with, got sensible about my story.

'Used to see you two at school, seemed so happy. I could never imagine that he treated you like this, you can't treat a girl like that. He is getting what he deserves, stay strong Rachel.' A boy from school commented, it feels nice to know that good guys sill exists. Gosh, it's nice to feel that no one is judging me, actually, everyone is cheering for me.

After reading a few more comments I close the Macbook and lay on my bed again, it feels good knowing that I'm not alone, even when I feel that I am, after a few minutes, I feel asleep.

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