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"What was that?" Olivia asked and stared at me. I shrugged and looked at Eddie. He looked nervous again. "Do you know what's wrong with him?" I asked. He also shrugged. I sighed and stood up. "Sorry guys. I think I just go outside for a while. I need a little bit fresh air." I said and walked away. The last thing I saw was Eddie frowning at Olivia.

I went to the front door and outside. There were big three with a bench. Perfect for me. I laid down on the bench and stared up. Then I sighed. What was wrong with Richie. He acted so weird. Not like him. The guy who laughed the most was weird.

I laid there for a while until I sat up. I looked around. I decided to go back inside. No one was here and I din't even know what I was doing outside.

I stood up and went back to the front door. Then I went inside and looked at the time. 12:30 am. I still had enough time. 30 minutes. I walked down the corridors in the hope Richie would be there. I needed to ask him what was going on. Something between Eddie and Richie?

I walked and walked until I saw Richie. His back was in my direction and he walked with his head down. What was going on with him? I ran and ran until my hand slowly touched his hand. I turned a little bit red. He turned around and looked at me. "What do you want?" he asked. "I wanted to know if you are ok." I said. He frowned at me. "What do you mean?" he asked like nothing happened. "You looked so sad or mad after you saw me sitting on the table." I said. "Oh.....um.....I just h-h-had a terrible headache." he said. I knew he was lying but I didn't say much. I didn't want to argue with him so I ignored what happened.

"Would you mind if I walk with you?" I asked nervously. He shook his head and we started walking. First we said nothing but after a while I noticed him staring at me. I looked at him and after he noticed I was staring at hime he looked away. It was awkward.

"So April, I want to know more about you babe." he said, "still a virgin?" I rolled with my eyes. "Is that all you want to know?" I asked. He nodded. "Well, yeah I actually am." I said. Richie shook his head. "17 and still a virgin." he said. I sighed and we continued walking. "what about you Richie. I already know you're not a virgin anymore. But what about your parents?" I asked. "Oh they're always at work." was all he said. At least his parents didn't punch him. Like my dad. "Whatever, do you want to meet me today?" he asked. I looked at him.

At his beautiful cheekbones every girl loved. And those lips. The only thing you wanted to do is kiss those lips. But I couldn't. I couldn't meet hun that often. "Sorry Richie. Maybe next time. I'm busy today." I said. "It's fine babe." he said. I rolled my eyes at the nickname. "I have to go now. My next lesson is in a few minutes." I said and waved at him. "It's fine. See ya later babe." he said.

Then he was gone. I sighed and went to my classroom.


The school was finally over. I went to my locker , put my books inside and waited outside for Olivia. After a while she finally came down the stairs and smiled at me. "Look who is there. What happened after you left?" she asked and hugged me. "Oh not much. I sat outside for a while and then I walked with Richie." I said. After I said his name I turned a little bit red. Olivia smirked at me. "Well, do you have plans for today." she asked. "Nope" I said. I felt bad after I told Richie I couldn't meet him. But I couldn't meet him to often. He was a fuckboy.

"Well whatever you're gonna say I'll meet you at my house. At 2 ok?" she asked. I nodded and then we waked home. Olivia had to leave me after a while. She lived near the school. So I had to walk alone.

I arrived at my house, searched for my key and slowly opened the door. I sneaked up to my room but then I heard someone screaming my name. "April! Get your ass down here. I want to talk to you!" my dad screamed. He didn't sound drunk. "Yes dad." I said and walked back to him. "You weren't home." he said in a threatening ton. "I-I-I had school." I said quiet. My dad shook his head. "You should be home. You should clean the house. You should cook in the kitchen for me. You're a fucking brat. I don't want you to go outside again. You'll stay here." My dad said and I ran upstairs. I felt terrible. My dad was a monster.

I locked my door and tears fell down my cheek. I never felt so terrible before. My gaze went to the window. It was not that high. I looked for something wich could help me go down. There was nothing. The only way was to jump. I took a deep breath and opened my window. "Ok ok Grace. You can do that." I said to myself. I closed my eyes and then I jumped.

I bounced hard on the floor but I was happy it didn't hurt. Then I ran. I ran and ran. I ran until I arrived at Olivia's house. My heart was racing and my breath went pretty fast. I ran up the stairs to the door and knocked.

Olivia finally opened the door. "Oh my god honey. Is everything ok?" she asked stroking my back with her hand. "Come inside." she said. We walked up to her room and Olivia closed the door. "What happened honey?" she asked. "My dad.....he is completely freaking out now. He said I-I can't go to school. I should clean the house and cook and- and...." Olivia interrupt me. "Hey hey. Calm down April. It's okay. I bet you can stay here for a while." she said and stroke my back. I smiled weak. "Thank you Olivia. I don't deserve you." I said and hugged her.

"My parents are ok with." Olivia said after she asked her parents if I could stay. I smiled at her and stood up from her bed. "I'm so glad to have you Olivia." I said. "I do all for my best friend." she said and smiled. Then she sat down on her bed.


It was already 10pm. Olivia and I sat on her bed. We talked about a lot of stuff. School, College, The Prom, Parents. Now we just sat in silence. Olivia looked at me. "April. Let's talk about something else." she said and smirked. I already knew what she wanted to talk about. She smirked even more. "Don't ask that again!" I said. "So, April.....what's with you and Tozier." she then asked. I rolled with my eyes. "Why do you want to know?" I asked. She shrugged. "Well, I could tell you what I think." she said. "Go ahead." I said and sighed. "Don't tell me you never noticed how he's staring at you?" she said.

I looked down. "I already caught Richie 3 or 4 times staring at me but that was normal right? I mean I also look at other people. But whatever it is, he does it to every girl. That was probably just one thing he did to every girl. To make them fall in love with him." I thought to myself. "I've never seen him staring at me." I lied. "Come on April. Don't be blind. He stares at you like.....I don't know. It's this gaze. I've never seen this on Richie. It's a different gaze you know." she said. I shrugged. "I don't know." I said still looking down. "Do you love him?" she asked and smirked again. "What....n-n-no I don't. Ewww t-that's gross." I lied again. "Well I can see you're lying April." she said and laughed. I turned a little bit red. "I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed now." she said still laughing. I nodded. We both laid down in her bed.

I laid there for a while and looked up. Olivia already slept. She snored a little bit. That was weird. Olivia said I was lying. But Richie is not a right guy. He lies and cheats and he'a not honest. He's a fuckboy. I couldn't love him. And I didn't right?

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