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The school bell rang. Everyone ran outside. I, as always, take slowly my stuff and leave the room. I was the last person again. I went to my locker, put my books in it and left the bug school building. Then I started heading home. I felt heavy and weird. My throat hurt also a little bit. With slow steps I walked and walked.

I got faster and faster after a while. And after I spotted Richie I almost ran. He was staring at his phone again. At least he didn't smoke. I ran until I was next to him.

"Richie?" I asked carefully. He turned around, with a big smile, and looked usual. "Oh my god April. I thought you were sick. I didn't see you the whole day." he said in his soft voice. I frowned at him and stopped walking. "Are you kidding me?" I said and crossed my arms. He also stopped. "What? I can't be worried about you?" he asked.

What was wrong with him today? "You ignored me. I literally stood in front of you. You looked at me. I talked with you and you ignored me. What is wrong with you today?" I asked. I was upset. Something was wrong with him. "I-I-I..." he started but stopped. "What? Richie I-I thought you hated me. I thought I did something wrong. What is wrong with you today? Is it because of yesterday?" I asked.

He just looked down and then up again. "I-I'm sorry April. I just....I really can't remember yesterday night and I also can't remember what happened in school. It's like I slept the whole time." he said. I frowned at him. "What do you mean? You don't know what happened yesterday?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Nope. I just remember you and me on a table in a restaurant. Then everything is gone." he said. I hesitated. "Richie you were drunk. I brought you home." I said but now in a softer voice. Richie eyes widened a little bit. "Oh no. I'm so sorry April. I ruined our date. Oh my god I-I-I feel terrible." he said. "I-I-It's ok but what's with today? You said you can't remember." I said. "t-t-that always happens when I'm drunk. I'm s-s-so sorry April." he said. He hugged me. I didn't know what to say. He was still a little bit weird.

Something was wrong. And I didn't think it was because of yesterday. We started walking again but we didn't talk. Richie smoked a cigarette again.

After a while he turned around to me. "April....everything is good between us right?" he asked. "Of course." I said. "I'm just scared. I-I don't want to lose you." He said. "You won't lose me." I said. I put my hand on his chest and our eyes met. "I-I love you April." he said and grabbed my hand. "I love you Richie." I said. He leaned in and kissed me. I felt his soft lips on my lips again and it made all my worry go away.

We continued walking and stopped at the street where Richie had to go. "Should I go with you? I mean I don't have to." Richie said and scratched the back of his head. "I would love it." I said and smiled, forgetting what happened a few hours ago. Richie nodded and smiled. He grabbed my hand and we started walking to my house.

After a while we finally arrived at my house and I opened the door with my keys. Then we went inside and to the living room. The big teddy bear was still on the sofa. "Are you gonna cuddle the teddy again?" he asked and pointed at the teddy. I shook my head. "Of course not." I said and laughed. We sat down and I turned on the Tv.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked with the remote control in my hand. Richie opened the mouth to say something but I interrupt him. "No horror movies." I said and raised my fingers. He made a pout. "Why not?" he whined. "I hate horror movies." I said. "And you know that." I added and crossed my arms.

"Come on. You can lay in my arms." he said. The thought of laying in his arms was calming so I gave him the remote control after a while. He smiled at me and I laid down in his arms and smiled at him. His gaze was at the Tv. He searched and searched for a movie and clicked on one. I didn't know which movie but I also didn't care. My gaze was at Richie.

I heard the movie start and the music was already weird and scary. I didn't want to look. My gaze still at Richie, I laid my head down om his lap and smiled again. I forgot everything that happened before. Richie was just so beautiful. With his messy hair, his beautiful dark brown eyes, his full lips which were always open, his little freckles. He was the prettiest boy I had ever seen.

Believe me if you would see him, you wouldn't be mad at him. You just couldn't.

Richie slowly looked down and our eyes met. I was still smiling so he smiled too. "What?" He asked and chuckled. "Nothing It's just.....I don't know." I said. "You're beautiful." I added. "I love you April." he said and smiled. He leaned down and kissed me with his soft lips. He ran with his hand through my hair.

Then he stopped kissing me and smiled. It was like the movie wasn't important. He laid down on the sofa and I laid on top of him. Not in a disgusting way. In a cute way. My head laid on his chest and we held each others hands. His chest slowly went up and down every time he when he took a deep breath. I just stared at the Tv. But it wasn't like I was really watching. I didn't. I just listened to Richie's breath. Maybe it was weird but it calmed me down.

And in this moment that was all I wanted to do. To cuddle with Richie. To feel his warm hands. To hear him breathing. I loved him.

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