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It was pretty late. Richie and I were still in this restaurant. Just Richie was not Richie anymore. His eyes were half closed half open and talked weird. He drank to many whiskey glasses. He was drunk.

"This was supposed to he our date Richie. Not just a visit in a restaurant for you to make yourself drunk." I said disappointed. "W-W-Whaaaat?" Richie asked. I had enough. I searched for money in my pocket and laid it down on the table. Then I picked up Richie and wrapped his arm around me so he would fall. At the same time he touched my ass with his hand. It made me squeak weird.

I made my way to the car without letting Richie fall, but he couldn't keep his hands on him. Whatever he touched it was annoying. I finally did it and opened the door for Richie so he could sit down on the passenger seat. Then I closed the door for him and sat down on the driver's seat.

"W-Wheeere do-do we.....we go?" he asked. "Home. After you had to ruin our date. I knew it would end like that." I said. I was disappointed and upset. I started the car and said nothing. The whole time I said nothing. Richie just made weird noises or just stood up in the car. It was like he was a little kid.

I finally arrived at his house and opened Richie the car door. He came out and almost fell to the ground. I wrapped his arm around me again and walked up the stairs. "do you have a key?" I asked. He shook his head. I started searching in his pocket and found a key. Then I opened the door and closed it behind me. I brought him up into his room and he laid down in his bed. After a few seconds I heard him snoring. That was one of the worst dates I ever had.

I gave Richie a little kiss on the forehead. "Don't do this to me." I whispered. I turned off the lights and left the room. Then I went down the stairs and left the house. I sighed and walked to my car. Before I left I turned around to Richie's house. I really didn't know why. This day was weird.

I sat down and started the car. It was already 11:46pm. I should really go to my bed now.

After a while I arrived at my house and parked the car in the parking lot. Then I searched for my keys and opened the door. I immediately went to my room and undressed myself. Then I laid down in my bed and fell asleep immediately.


I was on my way to school again. My headphones were in my ears and my phone was in my hand. It was a beautiful day again. The sun was shining again and it wasn't that cold. I was actually pretty happy. A big smile was on my lips and I decided to wear something else than my regular clothes. I wore my shock trouser together with my favorite T-shirt. It was a grey and white T-shirt. I really didn't know why I like it. It was a normal T-shirt.

I listened to Riptide while I walked and moved my mouth to the lyrics:

Lady, running down to the riptide
taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man

I love you
when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat 'cause
you're gonna sing the words wrong

My ear were blessed. I sometimes walked to the beat and smiled the whole time. I really didn't know why I was so happy.

The last chord played and I plugged out my headphones and put them into my pocket. Then I put my phone into my pocket and continued walking. I could already see the school, still with the prom banner. My heart speeded up again and I smiled again. The prom. It were only 4 more days. The time flew.

I walked up the stairs and went inside the big building. Thousand of students stood in the corridors and talked loudly. I heard words like prom, dance, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend. Everything like that. You could tell everyone was excited for the prom. Olivia and I were even more excited. We had already written our letters to the Queen University but nothing came back yet.

I walked down the corridors to my locker and opened it. Then I took my books, closed the locker again and walked to my classroom. On my way I spotted Richie, leaning against a locker, with a cigarette in his mouth. He looked into his phone and didn't notice me.

"Richie!" I said. He didn't turn around. "Richie?" I said again. No answer. He didn't even move. I took a fee more steps and stopped right in front of him. "Richie?" I said for the last time. He didn't look up. What was wrong with him?

"Excuse me Richie. Are you ignoring me?" I asked. He slowly looked up, scanned me with his eyes, shrugged and looked back hat his phone. I couldn't believe it. "Excuse me. What is wrong with you today?" I asked and crossed my arms. No answer. "I was the one who brought you home yesterday. After you got drunk. On our date. And now you're ignoring me?" I said. "Sorry?" he just said without looking up. "I can't believe you right now!" I said. I turned around and left him.

A half of me felt terrible, sad and hurt and the other half felt upset, mad and aggressive. What the hell was wrong with Richie? Was it because of yesterday? Or because of something else? I didn't know anymore. I went into my classroom and sat down. The teacher was already in the classroom but the lesson hadn't started yet. I put my pencil case and my notebook on the table and looked at the teacher.


After a long lesson it was finally lunch break. I left the classroom and went to the cafeteria.

Olivia sat with Eddie on one table. I walked over to them. Olivia saw my face and stood up. "What's the matter with you?" she asked worried. I shook my head. "I don't know what's wrong with Richie." I said. Eddie just looked up. "Richie Tozier?" he asked. I nodded. "He was always and asshole." Eddie said. I shrugged and sat down. Eddie and Olivia sat in front of me and looked at me. "Are you sure you are ok? What happened?" Olivia asked. I told her about Richie's weird behavior and played with my fingers.

"Why would he do that?" she asked. I shrugged. "Maybe because of yesterday." I said. She sad nothing. "What was yesterday?" she asked. I remembered the day before and also that Olivia didn't know about it. "He bought this teddy bear for me and asked me for the prom with it." I started. Olivia made her heart eyes. "Then we went to a restaurant. And he got drunk. I brought him home and today he was like this." I continued. Olivia touched her head with her hand.

"Maybe it's because he got drunk. People who get drunk are always weird on the next day." she said and chuckled weird. "Maybe." I said and continued playing with my fingers. "Whatever he's weird I don't know." I said. I was still half sad, half upset but the sad side won this time. "What if he's the bad guy again?" I asked. "No! He isn't! Why would he buy a big teddy to ask you for the prom and do this then?" she said. I shrugged again.

"Hey April. I hate it to see you sad. You should really talk with him again." she said and touched my hand. Eddie nodded and I smiled weak. "Whatever I-I-I just need distraction." I said. "Oh what about the letter. Did you get one already?" Olivia asked me. She was talking about the letter for our college. I shook my head. "Me too. But I know we'll get it." she said and touched my shoulder.

"What are you talking about?" Eddie asked and frowned. "Our college. We'll go to the Queen University. I mean we want to. We didn't get a letter yet but I think we'll get one. Soon." Olivia explained to Eddie. "Woah college. I really need to look for a college too." he said and touched his head. "I totally forgot that." he said. We both laughed and continued talking about our college.

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