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a postman stood there with a letter in his hand. My heart started racing. Was this the letter? Yeah. It had to be. It was the only letter I could get.

"A letter to Miss April Abernathy?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah. That's me." I said. The man nodded and gave me the letter. Then he looked at me and frowned. He turned around and left the house. I closed the door and let out a scream after I read the sender:

To: Miss April Abernathy
Vancouver, Alberni street
From: The Queen University

Olivia ran down the stairs. "Is everything..." she stopped until she saw the letter. "I got the letter!" I screamed. "Read it!" Olivia said. I nodded. My heart was pounding faster and faster. I opened the letter as fast as I could and started reading the letter loudly.

Dear Miss Abernathy
We are pleased to announce that you have been accepted to our University. Your skills are truly amazing and they will definitely do good things.
We are excepting you here on the 7th if July. Unfortunately you will have to buy the train ticket yourself. At your arrival you will be accompanied by an employee to your room.
Books and more can be found in our shops and libraries. Everything else you will learn there.
We hope you accept our letter and we hope we can see you and your skills in action.
Your Queen University

I heard my heart falling to the ground. I had it. I had the letter. I was more than happy.

"Oh my god April. We'll go to a college." Olivia said and jumped up and down. "University." I said and laughed. She hugged me tight. "You need to tell Richie about it!" Olivia said. I hesitated. "I think it's better to surprise him, isn't it?" I said. "When? I want to know his reaction." she said.

"Maybe......the prom!" I said. "I'll tell him on the day of the prom." I added and smiled. "Ok wait. That's bot important right now. We need to celebrate this!" Olivia said and placed her hand on my shoulder. I smiled slightly. "Yes! We need to celebrate ourselves!" I said and jumped up again.


"Oh my god oh my god they have my favorite drink on this planet!" I said after we sat down in our favorite restaurant. Olivia and I decided to go to a diner to celebrate ourselves. We went to the diner in the middle of the downtown. It was near the mall. We sat on a table right next to a window and looked outside.

"What do you want?" Olivia asked and smiled slightly. I looked into the menu and flew over the different courts. "I think I'll take this." I said and showed her what I wanted. "Look it sounds very good; Pancakes with different berries and creams." I read to her. "Oh my god I think I want that one too." she said and licked her lips. "Oh and I take the strawberry milkshake." I said and smiled. "Me too! Me too!" Olivia said. We laughed and I laid down the menu.

A waiter came and we stopped laughing. "What would you like to drink?" he asked. "Two strawberry milkshakes please." I said. He nodded and wrote it down. "And two of those berry pancakes." Olivia said. He nodded again and left the table.

"And two of those berry pancakes?" I asked Olivia and laughed. "Yeah. I forgot the name. Sorry not sorry." Olivia said and laughed. I shrugged and put out my phone. There were two messages Richie had written to me:

Boyfriend ❣️
Imy <3

Boyfriend ❣️
I love u <3

I playfully rolled with my eyes and answered him with a short message. 'I love u too' was all I wrote. Now it was Olivia and my time. No boys or something like that. We needed to celebrate ourselves.

The waiter came with our food and our drinks and placed all on the table. Then he walked away after he said a little 'enjoy your meal'. I started eating. "Oh my goodness this is so good." I said with a full mouth. Olivia laughed and nodded in agreement. We said nothing for a while until Olivia opened her mouth to say something.

"What do you think? How expensive will the train ticket be?" Olivia asked. I hesitated. "I really don't know. I think very expensive." I said and poked around in my food with my fork. "How far away is..." I started but Olivia interrupt me. "The University is 5 hours away. It's far away but I think we'll find away, not to get bored." she said. I nodded. "And if the train ticket is to expensive, then I'll pay for yours too." she added and smiled slightly. "Oh no. You don't need to..." I started but she interrupt me again. "No matter what you say, I won't change my mind." she said and laughed.

I smiled slightly. "Thank you Olivia. I'm grateful to have you." I said. She nodded and smiled. We continued eating and drinking until we were done with everything. Then we waved at the waiter so we could pay. Olivia and I paid together. We left the diner and walked around.

"And now?" I asked Olivia. We were walking around and looked inside store windows. "I don't know. What do you want to do?" I asked her and smiled slightly. She shrugged. "I just don't want to go home." She said and laughed. I nodded. "neither do I." I said and laughed with her. "It's so boring there." I added.

"Let's go to the mall." I said. Olivia nodded and we walked to the mall.

We arrived there and went inside. The mall was full with people and it wasn't that easy to walk. But it was as always. We walked over to Starbucks and went inside. We ordered both the same drink. milk coffee. We gave the cashier his money and walked outside. Then we just walked around.

"What can we do here?" I asked Olivia. Olivia hesitated for a while. We just stood between all those people. "I have the best idea!" she said and laughed. She grabbed my arm, my cup almost fell,  and pulled me to a cheap clothes shop.


I opened my front door with my key and sighed. After Olivia and I went to the mall we just waked around for hours. But now she was home and I was alone again. I closed the door behind me and put my keys on a desk. There was still the letter. To see it made me smile again.

The letter meant everything to me. It was my ticket to my dream. I always dreamed about this day. And now it happened. Everyone would see I was happy. More than happy.

I walked up to my room and closed the door behind me. Then I laid down in my bed and looked up. My thoughts were at the letter just at the letter. What would Richie say? Or what would my mom say, if she was still here? My mom. The person I missed the most. What would she think about me?

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