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I went up to my room and closed the door behind me. Then I placed the bags on the floor and sat down on my bed. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it outside. It was a message from Richie:

Richie ❣️
look outside your window

It said. I frowned at the message and stood up. Then I ran over to my window and opened it. I looked around but there was nothing. "Look down!" I heard a familiar voice. I looked down at a Richie with a big teddy bear in his hand. He waved at me and smiled. My heart pounded faster. "Oh my god." I said and covered my mouth with my hand so I wouldn't scream. Richie ran to the front door. I closed my window and ran down the stairs. Then I opened the door for Richie.

I saw him standing there with the bigs bear. My eyes widened and I smiled. "April...." Richie said. I nodded and looked at him. "Do you want to be my prom date?" he asked and gave me the bear. "Oh my god!" I screamed. "Is this a yes or a no?" Richie asked. I chuckled weak and kissed Richie. "Yes Yes yes!" I said and smiled. "Oh my god I love you so fucking much." I added. Richie stopped smiling.

"What?" I asked. "You said fucking." he said and smirked. I nudged him and pulled him inside so I could close the door. After that I took the Bear and went to my living room. Richie followed me. We sat down on the sofa and said nothing for a while. I cuddled with the bear while Richie was staring at me.

"What?" I said and turned around to face him. He shrugged. "You rather cuddle with the bear than with me?" he whined. I laughed and stopped hugging the bear. "No of course not." I said. I slipped over to Richie and smiled. I buried my head into his neck and chuckled. "You're my favorite teddy bear." I said. Richie wrapped his arms around me. "I have a question." he said. I looked up. "Can I maybe take you out?" he said.

"Of course." I said and kissed his perfect
cheekbones. "You know you're so different." I added. "a few weeks ago I hated you. Now I'm sitting here, in your arms and cuddle with you." "But you still hate me or what?" he asked. "No of course not." I chuckled. "Well I think we better go now right." Richie said.

I nodded. He wanted to take me out on a real date. This thought made me almost scream. "Where do you want to go to?" I asked. "Oh maybe a restaurant." he said. I nodded and stood up. Richie also stood up. Then we went to the door and I took my keys. Richie wanted me to hurry up. I didn't know why but I just did it. We took our jackets and I closed the door behind us. Then we went down to my car. I opened the door of the driver's seat but Richie grabbed my arm. "Stop. I'll drive." he said and smirked weak. I frowned at him and just said down at the passenger seat.

Then Richie started the car. We said nothing the whole time. Richie just drove and I thought about the restaurant we would go to. I didn't know which one, or where it was, or how it looked, but I was excited. This was actually out first real date. Or our second. I couldn't remember.

We arrived at a big restaurant with big neon letter on the top saying 'Welcome at Chambar'. It looked nice. The windows were very big and almost every wall was full with windows. Richie parked my car at a parking lot and we both headed to the door. Richie opened the door for a me and immediately there stood a man in front of us.

"Welcome at Chambar. How can I help you?" the nice man asked. He was wearing a red bow tie and black patent shoes. His weird smile made me feel uncomfortable. "We would like to have a table for two." Richie said in a very attractive voice. I nodded and the man started walking. We followed him until he stopped.

"Sit down." he said and pointed at the seats. It was a table for two. We sat down and the man took out a little notebook. "What would you like to drink?" he said. "Just a water please." I said and smiled. "I would have a whiskey please." Richie said. The man nodded and left the table.

"A whiskey?" I whisper screamed. "Yeah why not." he said. "I'm not gonna carry you outside. Don't get drunk Tozier." I said. "I won't. This is our date." he said and laughed. I nodded and sat down as normal as possible. I was worried. I knew Richie would drink to much. That was one problem he had. He was known for that.

After a while the man came back with the drinks. He gave me my water together with an extra bottle and Richie a glass whiskey together with an extra bottle. I frowned at the man but he had already left the table.

My heart started pounding faster. What if he would drink to much? What if he would drink so much that I have to get him to the hospital? Terrible thought flew through my head until Richie touched my hand and I came back into the reality. "Hey. Are you alright?" he asked. "Y-Y-Yeah." I said. My gaze went to the bottle. He would drink it all. He would, right? why was I freaking out that much? Or was this normal?

Richie started drinking his whiskey. After a few seconds the whole glass was empty. He already grabbed the bottle to refill the glass. Then the man came back with his notebook. "I would have a stake with fries." he said before the man could say something. He just nodded and wrote it down.

"Um....ah....I just want a salad." I said. I panicked. Something was definitely wrong with me. The man left the table and Richie drank his glass again. He took the bottle again but I grabbed his arm. "Richie take it easy. That's enough." I said. I stared at me and shook his head then. "A little bit whiskey is not that bad. Now let me refill my glass." he said. I let go of his hand and he refilled his glass while I just stared at him.

He was already a little bit weird. He was already inebriated.

After a while the man brought the food and Richie started eating. At least he wasn't drinking his whiskey. I slowly ate my salad with my gaze at Richie just in case he would drink to much or something else would happen. Was it wrong to be like that? I mean I was just scared he would get an alcohol poisoning or something like that. That could be dangerous.

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