Chapter 1- Meeting the Hawke Company!

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(Y/n)'s POV)
I slowly walked my way down the street, looking around every side of me confused. Where by the gods benevolent light was I? In Lowtown? Or in the infamous Darktown? The shady Gallows? Highest of Hightown? Gods forbidden, the Chantry? Certainly not the Vicount's Keep? Oh, blessed Andraste help me. I was lost it was my first time being unguarded by the Qunari. It had  something to do with being too suspicious. Though it no longer mattered because I had gotten myself lost. Though as I continued to walk and recognize more features of the area around me I had concluded that my current location was indeed, Lowtown. I couldn't help the chuckle I found as I heard Anso yelp with surprise just as I got close to the Hanged Man. I briskly maneuvered my way over muttering my usual, "Anso, it's just the sky," And yet I was cut off by an odd number of people standing there. They all gave me a look saying, 'who are you?'

Standing there like a darkspawn caught looking up into the bellow of a high dragon, watching the group anxiously. Surely they weren't here to hassle the poor guy. 'Blight take you Aunt Flemeth!' I thought slowly before cupping my hands together in front of me and putting on a brave smile, "Hello! Who are you all? Why are you bothering my friend here?" I asked, a slight shake in my voice from the visible unease.

From one glance alone I could spot the three mages with their not so inconspicuous staves. Two of them carried daggers on their backs and the other rouge adorned a very intricately designed crossbow. Finally my eyes fell upon the last, and final member of their group. A red haired woman adorned in the city guard uniform. My smile faltered slightly, they had a tense relationship with the Qunari and there was no reason to complicate things further. She however held a Templar shield, which made my smile disappear fully. A bandit in wolfs clothing perhaps. A benevolent warrior. 'Not the Coterie again....' I sighed loudly, rolling my eyes.

"Hello, my name is Hawke," One of the female rogues said softly.

"Hawke?" I paused, Aunt Leandra's name became Hawke? It did, so this must be the oldest, but then... where's Carver? "Hawke, as in, Leandra's child?" Two of them raised a brow, others reached for weapons. "I know her! heh, ah... Goodluck!" With such I turned and let my legs swiftly carry me out of the area. Running to the only available area that I would even remotely blend into was, the Alienage. As I got to the entrance, skidding to a stop, I was greeted by the Sharps, "Sharps, Carta, and Coterie, oh my!" And they let me hide behind them, only because I'm scary when not afraid. Oh and the demon, she doesn't like it when I'm scared, she comes out and takes care of everything and tells me it will be alright. And I never remember a thing afterwards.

A moment later however, the same group shows up. 'Why are you here? Surely not for me? Leave me alone!' I thought carefully, watching them closely. They started a fight with the group of people and as a result I left myself cornered, watching the onslaught. I didn't care about any of these people to be fair, they were only meant to be a shield and they just served their ultimate purpose. As unnerved as I was, feeling something in my gut churning to be let out before a sudden wave of calm overwhelmed me, watching as the last of the group fell mere feet away from me. I smiled shyly, knowing that only when I really need my demons to intervene, will they. But these demons talk to me, guide me. Helps guide me down the right path, a path without blood magic.

"Well well. I see you've come prepared. What brings you down to this part of the world?" I tilt my head to the side, clapping slightly before my eyes soften on Bethany, who sends me a warm smile. A welcoming smile.

"We just have a few questions for you," Bethany says in a soft tone of voice, which aids in making me feel less of the anxiety crawling up my spine. I let my shoulders relax and cross my arms over my chest.

"Your name, Bethany, is it?" I ask softly, genuinely.

They all raise a brow, "How do you know her?" The other Hawke asked slowly, walking a tiny bit closer.

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