Part 6

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Over the months, Sam frequently approached the siblings on campus, very closely becoming good friends with Jared. Much to the displeasure of Senka, who had frequently told Jared not to be so close to someone like him.

In the cafeteria, the siblings who were having their usual lunch were talking to each other.

" Jared, I have already told you not to get close to Mr Evans but you always don't listen to me. Don't come crying at me if something happens to you." Senka scolded with a stern face.

"But what is wrong talking to him? There is a lot of benefits with being his friend, plus he is nice to us."

"It seems that there are varying opinions of me." a deep and cool voice sounded as Sam sat down beside Xenia, his eyes glancing at her.

At his appearance, Xenia lowered her head and assumed the gloomy girl persona that she had been putting on.

Seeing that he was here, there was a tacit understanding amongst the siblings not to speak of the topic anymore. So Jared ,armed with a flattering smile , changed the topic to school work. Sam who could see through his intention only kept quiet and went along with him as he was only here to have a look at the person of his interest.

Speaking of interest, his eyes glanced at Xenia, who had her head down through out the whole conversation. She was such an interesting girl really. But she insisted on having this gloomy and dull cover when he was around.

" Do you want to visit our home today?" Jared asked enthusiastically, admidst the disapproving look sent to him by Senka.

Sam took a pause seemingly surprised by his offer then replying :"Sure" with a slight smirk, before glancing towards Xenia slightly brushing his tongue on his lips.

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