Part 19

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Xenia woke up to the smell of sterilised steel. Feeling groggy, she tried to sit up the get a cup of water. However feeling bounded to the hard metal surface that she was lying on, Xenia was unable to move an inch.

Feeling her blurry eyes clear up, Xenia looked around and saw that she was in a operation room bounded to a hard metal table like a lobster on a dining plate. Realising that something was wrong, Xenia tried to scream for help before realising that she was gagged with a piece of cloth.

Struggling to free herself, Xenia made a lot of noise when the door opened. Walking towards her was Sam a smirk gracing his face, looking ever so elegant. Seeing a familiar face, Xenia was relieved and was about to call for his help when her eyes saw the scalpel that he was holding in his hand. Feeling the blood draining from her face, Xenia looked on with dread as he leisurely stood beside her. The hand with the scalpel reaching for her chest with the sharp point heading towards her skin.

In her room, Senka was having a cult meeting with her fellow friends who were holding the Encyclopedia of mythical creatures in their hands.

Sitting in the middle of the circle formed by her cult friends, Senka was reading out information on the zuruka: "......a gem is forged by the lords of the zuruka clans to house a human soul that has passed the tests set by themselves. The retrieval of the soul from the human body is done through a process in which the zuruka digs out the heart of the human while she is awake before an unknown ritual is done to force the soul into the gem. The criteria for the selection of the human soul is unknown" Senka felt a sense of dread well up throughout her body as she continued to read on. "Once the soul is placed into the gem, it shall never reincarnate and will accompany the zuruka as it's source of power. The only way that the soul can be freed is by breaking the gem that is housing the soul."

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