Part 8

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" How could you invite him to my birthday party?" Yelled Senka as her face flushed a loveable red. They were in Xenia's bedroom after Sam had returned home. " you know I dislike him!"

" What's wrong with inviting my friend over, its not like he is a serial killer or something." Jared replied , grievance prominent in his tone.

"" With her finger pointing accusingly at Jared, Senka glared at him. Finding that his logic did not have any flaws, she stomped her feet on the floor and left the room in a huff.

" Seriously.....What's wrong with her? Sam is a pretty nice guy! Right Xenia?" Looking towards Xenia, who was doing her homework at her desk, miraculously able to ignore the commotion around her.

Xenia who was concentrating on her work was surprised to hear her name and looked up at Jared with a questioning look.

"Oh you..... Never mind" Jared said with exasperation before leaving the room.

Xenia who was in a daze thought of her vague recollection of the argument that had happened just now before zooming in on the words Sam and birthday party. Her eyes widened at the thought that he would be in attendance of Senka's birthday party. Before dimming back down again. This event had happened before. Due to Jared insistence, Sam had attended that party as well, resulting in Sam and Senka getting close to each other rapidly , though she could recall that Senka had also vehemently disagreed to Sam's attendance of the party in the past as well.

Breathing out a sigh, Xenia felt that her heart was slowly beginning to let go. As she comes to terms with what was meant to be, she could feel her emotional burden lightening up. Now that she was spending more of her time with her father, she realize that she did not think of Sam as much anymore.

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