Part 11

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Xenia navigated through the branches and leaves agilely, as if dancing to the tune of a song.

A left here, a turn there, as she walked on the strong branches of the green trees, Xenia felt her heart lightening.
She walked on before stopping on a curtain of purple that looked odd amongst the green and browns of the trees.

Lifting the curtain, it revealed a nice little clearing at the junction where the trunk of the century old tree met the branches. The surrounding branches were used to hang sheer purple and pink curtains, warm fairy lights and hanging bookshelf made out of cloths and woods, while the space at the top of the tree trunk was filled with cotton cushions and furry rugs. Making the space cozy and magical at the same time.

Xenia let out a slight smile as she sat down on the wood and reached out for a book, she was proud of her secret place that she had worked hard to furnish. She had made the pillows on the floor and used the spare fabric from her sister's project to hang on the branches.

And this place held precious memories of the last time she had spent with her Father before his death in her past life.

Putting aside her sadness, Xenia reaches for the latest bestselling romcom novel in the country and laughed at the hilarious antics of the female and male lead.

"Is it that funny?" A cool voice interrupted.

Xenia looked up, and her face froze.

His Gemحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن