Part 30

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My name is Annie and I am a maid of lord Sam and also his lover.

Ever since I was young, I have accompanied lord Sam, through his accomplishments and failures. Even when he was young, the lord had been dashing and mysterious. He was so handsome, even for a zuruka, that the young me had unknowingly fallen deeply in love with him.

However, the lord was serious and loyal to his clan, never having any thoughts of romance despite the many amount of beautiful girls that was by his side.

But one day, the lord became different. I still remember it clearly, the sky was blue and beautiful when the lord came home. A rare smile gracing his face, as he ordered his subordinates to look up information of his classmate. Her name was Xenia, I remembered.

From then on, the amount of times when the lord was happy far exceeded the time he was serious, despite the hard times that the clan was facing.

However despite his dashing looks and talents, the girl did not stay with him. When the gem trapping her soul was broken, I had walked into the room. And for the first time in a while, I could feel his depression as he held the now dull and broken gem with his bloodied hand.

Seeing this I was reminded of the previous time when he had this expression.

I had decided to clean his room when I stumbled upon a hidden door at the bottom of his wardrobe. I had wanted to leave it alone, but could not contain my curiosity when I heard delicate groans reverberating from it.

Secretively, I opened the door and hurried down the narrow hallways following the muffled groans and screams. But as I reached to another door, it stopped.

With a resolution, I pushed open the door to see my dearest lord.

Holding the girl in a princess carry, he was kissing her neck and hugging her tightly, the blood from her  veins splattered from the gaping hole on her chest onto his hands and face. Seeming not noticing me, he caressed her face, a sad smile gracing his face before going down to kiss her purple lips.

Feeling my heart shattering, I uttered with quivering lips: "M....M'lord?"

Looking up with a bloodied face, he smiled : "Annie"
"Do you love me?" Sam asked looking at me. I was surprised with his question until I heard his next words.
"Won't you take her place for me?" His alluring red eyes gradually becoming dazed, seemingly staring at someone else.

Holding in my tears I looked at his beautiful face: " Yes M'lord. If it is for you."

                                 THE END

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