Part 17

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The next day, Xenia was in the library the whole day looking for research material for her project. By the time she was done, the library was closing for the day with her being the last person left in the library. Having known that she would be late to reach home, Xenia had told Senka and Jared to return home first.

Packing her bags, Xenia stood outside the library doors waiting for the chauffeur to pick her up. With the moon hidden away by the dark clouds, the place was extremely dark, leading Xenia to feel uncomfortable.

When suddenly, the sound of footsteps interrupted the silence of the hall, turning around she saw the silhouette of a man hidden by the shadows of the building. Thinking that he was the security guard, Xenia called out to him ; "Uncle, are you closing up early today?"

However the man stood still and did not reply. Feeling that something was wrong, Xenia placed her heel behind her, preparing to run.

But before she could move, the man's silhouette disappeared and appeared directly in front of her. A hand was placed on her neck, squeezing it dangerously tight.

Feeling suffocated, Xenia desperately tried to get the man away from her. Scratching his hands that were fitted smoothly on her neck, till blood was drawn.

But as her eyes succumbed to the darkness due to the lack of oxygen, Sam's face appeared in her sight, illuminated by the moon that had peeked out from the clouds. His eyes glowing an eerie red.

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