Part 25

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When Xenia was placed into the box and had made sure that no one could hear or see her, she floated towards the window. And slowly but steadily went out of it, freeing herself from the gem.

With a hurried expression, Xenia remembered to the least scene of massacre and focused on the tattooed hand that she had seen moving slightly amongst the pile of zuruka corpses.

Focusing on the hand, she felt her soul moving through space before appearing in front of the Man with tattooed hand.

Dominic was trudging through the woods leaving a trail of blood behind him. With only thoughts of escaping, he ignored the injuries that were threatening his life and forcefully moved forward in search of asylum.

When suddenly a human soul appeared in front of him. Recognising the red hue around the girl, he was prepared for death by the bounded soul of the new zuruka king. Closing his eyes in resignation, he was surprised by the words that had come out of her mouth.
" Let's make a deal."
Opening his eyes, he looked at Xenia in surprise.
" what.... why do you look so surprised?"
" no.. I just did not expect that the bounded soul of our enemy lord would be helping me."

Looking at him as if he was crazy Xenia exclaimed: "excuse me! It's not like I wanted to be his bounded soul anyways."

Dominic looked at her and let out a smirk, which made Xenia want to retort some more. But feeling the energy pulling her back into the gem, Xenia hurriedly said: " I will heal your injuries so that you can take revenge, but in exchange you must break the gem that that house my soul for me."

Xenia looked at Dominic impatiently, waiting for his answer while he looked unsure. " i don't know if you are even sincere"

Feeling the pressure increase even more, Xenia shouted at him impatiently: " well you don't have a choice,do you?"

Having a face of hesitation, Dominic thought for a while. With each second , the anxiousness in Xenia's heart grew. Before a look of resolution appeared on his face, "alright, I will place my bets on you."

Hearing this, Xenia let out a huge smile of relief before proceeding to use her powers to heal his injuries.

As the  pressure began to pull her soul back towards the gem, Xenia looked at him seriously. " Remember, it's the red gem framed with silver roses."

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