Chapter 2: Training in Session

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Kold's POV

Now that I have settled in something I'm really in the mood to do things now, and that means training is now in session. I still have 10 months worth of training and I need to improve my usage of quirk and strategy. If I take to account the availability of my quirk then half to study all the details of the cards itself.

This may be tough but I'm sure I can pull through, I just have to take it easy as well as quickly as I could. 10 months might be a long time but time goes too fast if your having fun.

First things first, I need a place to train my quirk without anyone noticing my presence. 'I think that beach with a lot of trash could be a great place to train' I thought. Guess I should pay it a visit.


Walking to the beach I notice a lot of trash really is in there and to think in the past this is a great place to hang out. People really are irritating in some cases, and heroes too they could have cleaned this place up a bit. I know they are busy with patrols and stuff but the world needs protection too.

In my stroll in this garbage dump I noticed two people talking, and it was Izuku and All Might. I should keep myself hidden from, I don't want to make a scene. But  who am I kidding a Pro Hero is in their he could notice me anytime.

"I know your hiding there young man, you should show yourself" the buff man said smiling brightly like in the pictures and media.

A green haired boy looked my way "Kold... Kold Zyht that's your name isn't it?" he asked.

I just gave him a nod of confimation and I think he got it. "But what are you doing here?" Izuku asked again.

"Nothing I was just looking around for something to do, when I  happen to come across you both talking and I think training" I said looking around, and I see ropes tied to things and that just gave me the answer I needed.

"Yeah, I was just trying to start my training for the entrance exam" the green haired boy said scratching his chin.

"Well goodluck in your training. I'll be going now see you at school" I replied saluting them goodbye and look for another place to train.


In all honeaty I know I need to train, but I ended up in front of Card Capital again without thinking. Something must be telling me that here is a good place to train.

I walked in again and got greeted by the lavender haired girl "Welcome to Card Capital" she said smiling widely. "How may I help you today?"

"Um... I was looking for a place to train and my unconciousness led me here" I replied  thinking back on how I got here.

"Well then, how about a cardfight? If you hve nothing to do?" she requested.

"Maybe... okay sure. No problem"

"Oh... I forgot my name is Yuna, Yuna Nakamura but you can just call me Yuna" she said smiling my way.

"Kold Zyht but Kold is fine" I answered giving her only my name.

"Kold Zyht... that's an interesting name I would say" she thought.

"So what about the cardfight?" I asked, I think she almost forgot about it because of my name. It really is weird of a name and I don't know the reason behind it either, but let us not sweat the small stuff.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot sorry I easily get drifted away by my thoughts" she got her deck in place in the card slot and I think she activated something in the little long table in the middle of the room.

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