Chapter 13: A New Step

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Kold's POV

The school was close after the villain attack the USJ. I think they want us to shake the feeling off being in that kind of spot, but it is hard to forget it. Relaxing is not in mycmind right now, rather how to control and give myself an upperhand in using my quirk.

Because consecutive summons drains a lot out of me, I need to increase my stamina if I want to continue being a hero.

'How can I improve myself to be better?'
This is the one question bygiing within me everytime I think of my quirk.

My quirk is powerful... that's a fact but its a double edged sword. If I summon one unit then he gets damage then he goes back to his world because of that, then I gain half of the pain.

It is like I'm giving my units half of my body to use. I don't know if that's accurate but that is how I see it.

At the time of the attack I barely did anything to damage my opponents, I just provided support and defense for everyone, because I have limited stamina and cards to use in that situation.

'How about making a gadget that can help me determine the suited card for every situation? I may not cover every single thing but at least I have a back up'

I thought excitedly at the idea of the new gizmo, but who can make me that gizmo?

"Hey... you thinking too hard... is everythin okay?" Father asked as he came to check on me in my room.

"Well I have this new idea for a technology that really help me in my career but I don't know anyone who can make it..." I replied dejectedly.

"You can always ask the support course for that!"

"No.. the school wouldn't allow it, because I am trying to make an Artificial Inteligent  gadget"

After hearing that, my father gave me a widen eyes that he couldn't believe what I was saying.

"Dad... you okay?"

"Well... if you really want it how about explaining it to me first. Maybe me and your mother can think about it" he said thinking hardly, I am not so sure about mother agreeing to this but there is no harm in trying.

"Well I was  thinking of something like a contacts that has AI system in it that determines what's best suited in a situation. Like in a field full of bombs,  you need to protect yourself and the AI's duty is to give certain cards for that situation, much like Issault with her Guard ability" I said explaining the rough idea I have in my mind.

"Yeah that could be great, so I don't understand why the school doesn't approve of it?" He questioned confusedly.

"Well I just don't want them to think I'm a brat for asking something like that..." I said slowly and lowly, embarrasdd by the childish reason.

"Hahahahha!" Father laughed loudly, that he fell off the bed because his constant laughing. "Actually I think we can arrange something like that with your mother, so leave it to us to make that gizmo"

"Is it really okay?"

"Yeah it is, you barely ask for anything from us, this is the least we could do for you and yoir future" father smiled cheerfully and he stood up and out the door. "By the way dinner is ready so let's get down before mother get us up here and be lectured"

I gave my father a smile that I understood him and stood up from my bed and go down stairs to eat.


At school

A few minutes are left before homeroom starts and my classmates are just busy chit chatting about the news and how they got a little screen time.

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