Chapter 4: Decision

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3rd Person's POV

A boy who has brown hair fell down because he exhaust himself using his quirck. Every student gathered around him to see what made him unconcious.

"Now, now settle down kids you are all heroes in my eyes. All of you, here take some gummies but don't eat them all at once" an old lady walked slowly alerting her prescene to the students.

"Who is that?" students started to mutter things about 'what happened?' 'How did that kid manage to defeat the gigantic robot'

The old lady came close to the brunette kid to see if he has any injuries, but all she notice is that he just tired himself out from using his quirck.

(Recovery Girl. Quirck: Healing)

"Hey isn't that Recovery Girl, the main reason why U.A. is allowed to do these kinds of exam. Her quirck enables the people to recover quickly" A student explained to another and then another round of murmurs started.


Kold's POV

I groaned while waking up, 'Ughh... I think my heads goanna spllit up' I thought, painfully enduring the surging pain.

I looked left and right to gain some information about where I am, but all I notice is that I am in bed and looks maybe like an infimary.

"Good thing you've woken up young boy, what you did back there is really reckless I advice not to do it again. Your body may not handle it again if you keep being reckless" an old lady swivled in her chair facing me.

'Oh... I know this Hero its Recovery Girl'  I thought. "Am I okay to go outside?" I asked worriedly that I may stay here for long time due to my quirck.

"No need sunny boy, you're good to go. Nothing to worry about" she said joyfully and that made me sigh in relief. If I got a fatal injury Mom would kill considering if I'm not dead yet.

I stood up from the bed I was lying on and groggily walked myself out of the infimary. Still enduring the small pain occuring while walking.

But before I could get myself out I noticed Midoriya lying in the hospital bed beside mine. 'Wonder what happened to him?' I thought.

"You must be curious what happened to the boy. Well looks like he couldn't control his own quirk yet." and my thoughts where answered becuase of Recovery Girl.

"Well you better hurry up now its almost night" she said and I looked outside, then noticed that it is pretty late now.

I quickly opened the door and started running my way back to my house. If Mom finds out that I'm late for dinner I'm goanna have one hell of a scolding. 


(Kold's House)

As I arrived at my own home I notice that the sky is pretty dark now and concluded that I am not getting away from the scolding that is about to happen tonigh.

I opened the front door and what welcomed me is my mother looking pretty annoyed at me. You can clearly see that becuase she is tapping her foot loudly at the house's wooden floor.

I swallowed a huge lump in my throat preparing to explain myself. 'Ohh... who am I kidding, my mother have psychic quirck as well as my father and I know I couldn't get away with lieing to them' I thought.

"Umm... I am late because I was staying in bed in the infirmary of U.A." I started explaining while avoiding her eyes completely.

"WHY?!" she yelled, and her mother hen side came to life.

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