Chapter 24: Test?!

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Kold's POV

Now that the lady informed Silent Tom the instruction, now I need a plan of attack or maybe yet a strategy to defeat those villains. I think 5 minutes had passed and still nothing comes to mind, and I am started to get tired.

'Hold on... if that person can only prevent sound from coming out in an area that must mean that he might have a sound quirk that cancels the sound or that he is using his sound quirk to cancel the sound emitting from within... assuming that he has a sound quirk then I can break this doors without a sweat, then after that I'll summon the 2 battle sisters for a long ranged attack and royal paladins for close ranged' I thought, imagining my plan in my head and I think it has a chance of working.

"Calling Battle Sister Waffle and Chocolate" I tossed the 2 cards in my hand, and out appeared 2 female units. The former is a child with a hand gun in a nun outfit but don't underestimate her she is a pro with that gun, then the latter is holding a machine gun who gets easily flustered when firing also in a nun outfit.

I felt a drain in power; may be because of these 2 units or Tom has been hit and taken damage. I need to hurry up and help him. "Calling Pencil Knight Allan and Wingal!" another drop of stamina is what I felt, I struggled to stay balanced and I feel famished and weak. They must have drained me pretty quickly.

Allan is a knight in training while Wingal is a dog with a bat wings for an ear with a dagger in one of his front legs. "Now Battle Sisters... shot down that door, rapid fire if you must and then Allan... Wingal ready to engage to battle" I struggled to give them command but they understood what must be done.

The Sisters faced the door with a serious look, with both of them nodding at each other. "Here goes nothing!" the opened fire at the door, I ducked and covered my ears from the sound of guns firing and glass breaking. 'That should do it...'

The door opened, Allan and Wingal wasted no time and moved ahead towards the entrance with a battle cry.

Silent Tom's POV

I have been hiding in a pillar ever since I stepped foot in this place, there's something wrong with this place if you ask me but I can't quite put it into words yet. I need to investigate this if I want to impress my vanguard.

The place is very big and it has at least 4 floors, but that was beside the point on the third floor is where the interesting thing is happening. 2 heroes were captured by a metallic band that looks to be tightening every minute or so. Then another one was in a bind because he keeps on moving around the place, he seems to be struggling for some reason.

I looked around once more and now I know the precise numbers of villains in the area, a total of 5 of them are here and 4 other civilians are present. This will be a problem for my vanguard if he has no knowledge of this situation.

With thought communication with the ghost spirit of my lovely lover she did what I asked of her and that is to inform my vanguard regarding this situation. I took a peak once more towards the hero's direction to observe their odd behaviours. But that proved to be a bad idea because someone grazed my shoulder with a bullet. 'How did they know I'm here...? I am a ghost that is intangible and also invisible to those who I deem not worthy of seeing me'

"I thought I felt something right over there... but I guess it was just nothing" one of the villains said blowing the smoke from his pistol. 'Shit... I thought he saw me for real'

"Allan, Wingal try to round up the villains and gather them on one point, the battle sisters will support and provide defense if needed. Be careful you guys..." My vanguard commanded the units that entered the battle and they gave him a nod in understanding.

Cardfight Hero: VanguardOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant